The World He alth Organization has included acupuncture in its official methods of treatment. See what other unconventional methods are all about, such as: hot moxa therapy, Chinese bananas and herbal medicine.
Ok. 50 percent doctors in Great Britain and 30 percent. in the USA, he uses unconventional therapies.Acupuncture , recognized by the WHO as an official treatment method, is used in some hospitals and pain clinics around the world.Chinese cuppingfamily doctors recommend us when we cannot recover from a cold.
Alternative medicine - Eastern massage
Eastern massageis a combination of acupressure (pressing selected points on the body) with other massage techniques. By massaging the skin and nerve receptors, it heals even distant internal organs related to them. Stomach or heart disease can cause tension and pain in the corresponding places on the back. Unblocking the flow of energy at these points restores the body's balance and heals it.
Massage removes muscle pain, speeds up metabolism, improves blood circulation, oxygenates, cleanses the body of harmful substances, eliminates soreness. There are also therapeutic massages of the spine, head and neck, as well as relaxing and strengthening the spine.
Contraindications: purulent or fungal dermatitis, acute respiratory inflammation, infected wound, angina.
From infection to addiction
I use, among others moxatherapy, acupuncture, Tibetan herbal mixtures, Chinese cupping. These methods can be used in most acute and chronic diseases. They are especially effective in diseases of psychosomatic origin, such as neurosis, intestinal disorders, headaches, and allergies. They help with insomnia, problems with pressure, cardiovascular, respiratory, urinary, female diseases, hemorrhoids, rheumatic and spine pains, athlete's foot and many others. In addition to fighting colds or flu, they increase the body's immunity, preventing bacterial infection. They are also useful in cleansing, slimming and drug addiction treatments (e.g. smoking).
Alternative medicine - acupuncture
Restores he alth by inserting needles (they should be certified disposable) in specific places on the body, arranged along energy flow channels (meridians) connected with specific organs. Knowing the interrelationships between points and organs, the doctor restores the correct energy flow, thus regulating the activity of organs. The treatment is painless (you can feel a slight prickling and tingling along the meridian), it takes 20-30 minutes. Most often, a series of 10-15 treatments is recommended. It brings the best results in combating pain (e.g. sciatica, migraine), treating neuroses, depression, allergies, and many diseases of internal organs. It accelerates the removal of free radicals, helps to fight the addiction to smoking and helps to lose weight.
Contraindications: weakness, pregnancy, extensive myocardial infarction, high arterial hypertension, some infectious diseases, cancer.
Alternative medicine - moxotherapy (moxa therapy)
It consists in warming up with moxa (dried and twisted mugwort herb) the appropriate points on the skin. It is recommended for exhausted and weakened people who cannot undergo acupuncture treatment. A smoldering "cigar" must be brought close enough to the body to warm it up and far enough not to burn it. The released substances penetrate the skin, unblocking the appropriate energy channels. It improves blood circulation, increasing the body's defenses. Helps with indigestion, pains (abdominal, muscles, joints, spine and neuralgia), neurosis, insomnia, removes fatigue.
Contraindications: menstruation, pregnancy, mental illness, arterial hypertension, heart tachycardia, acute skin inflammation, fever .
Alternative medicine - Chinese cupping
By pulling the skin inside the cup, nerve receptors are irritated, which improves blood circulation at the treatment site. In the appropriate energy zone, the defense forces are increased. They stimulate and warm up. They are used in the treatment of upper respiratory tract infections, bronchial asthma, radiculitis, spinal muscle tension pains, neurosis, intercostal nerve inflammation.
Contraindications: menstruation, pregnancy, fever, blood coagulation disorders, extensive inflammatory skin changes, high arterial hypertension.
Alternative medicine - herbs
Herbal medicine is used in most diseases. Medicinal mixtures include plants, roots, minerals, precious stones and metals. One potion can contain from 3 to 35 ingredients. The parts of plants with the highest concentration of substances are obtained for productionactive. Due to the strong effect, the preparations should be taken only under the supervision of a doctor, never on your own. Also, always inform your doctor (of both conventional and Tibetan medicine) about the medications you are taking and follow the instructions. The belief that natural does no harm can be misleading. If you are taking pharmacological agents, additionally a herbal mixture for sleep and something else for strengthening, then such a cocktail can be dangerous. Even the popular ginkgo biloba preparations can cause harm - cause a hemorrhage or a minor stroke in the brain if taken with anticoagulants.