When you have a headache, try natural treatments. Acupressure is a natural remedy for both headache and migraine - it effectively reduces both the frequency and intensity of migraine attacks. How to use acupressure to get rid of a headache?

Acupressureis best for migraines and tension headaches that occur as a result of stress, lifting the head while working at the computer or sleeping in an uncomfortable position. Check out what you need to know to use acupressure to fight headaches.


There are many causes of headaches. These can be aches and pains that are a disease in themselves - and these are the most common pains. This is called spontaneous pain, caused by stress, fatigue, overeating or hunger, a change in weather or a change in hormone levels before the upcoming menstruation. But there may also be so-called secondary pain caused by another disease, e.g. a cold, toothache, head injury, serious vascular disorders or a brain tumor.

Acupressure for headache: what do you need to know?

Acupressure does not require any special knowledge or practice - anyone can learn it and use it on their own. In addition, it has the advantage that it can be used at any time. You just need to know what points on the body should be pressed. Finding the right one is not difficult as it is more sensitive to touch than the rest of the skin. Pressing it will relieve tension and muscle blockages, improve lymph circulation, and stimulate the secretion of endorphin - a hormone that reduces pain sensitivity. The right point is pressed with the tip of the thumb or index finger approx. 20 times for 2 minutes. The place of massage depends on where you feel the pain.

  • acupressure for pain in the temples

Press on the temple area, a thumb's width away from the intersection of the brow bone and the outer corner of the eye.

  • acupressure for a headache

Massage the point in the crease below the hairline.

  • acupressure for sinus pains

Apply pressure to the point between your eyebrows.

  • acupressure for headaches

Massage the point on the sole of the foot, inabout 1/3 of its length.

  • acupressure for headaches

Apply pressure to the point on the outer edge of your hand, where the so-called heart line.

  • acupressure for migraine headaches

Massage two points around the wrist. The first one is located at a distance of three tightly folded middle fingers of the other hand applied to the wrist flexion line. The second point, on the other hand, is at a distance of two folded fingers from this line, along the straight line marked by the index finger.

  • acupressure for headaches and other ailments

Press the thumb of one hand against the groove between the thumb and forefinger of the other hand (a mound should form above). Massage with small, circular movements, lightly pressing the point with your thumb, alternately strengthening and releasing pressure.

You must do it

Take a look at what you eat - headaches, especially migraine headaches, can provoke certain nutrients. But there are also products that relieve pain.

  • eat oily sea fish - they can reduce the frequency of migraines as they are high in omega-3 fatty acids, reducing the risk of vascular spasm
  • after consulting your doctor, reach for supplements containing calcium, magnesium and vitamin B2 - the average diet does not provide these substances in such amounts that they could protect against headache. The recommended daily dose is 250 mg of magnesium and 500 mg of calcium (to be taken with food) and 200 mg of vitamin B2 (to be taken in the morning, after breakfast).