If I want to, I dance on a park bench or lie down on the grass. At my age, I don't have to do anything, but I can do anything. I really like it. I'm not going to give up on anything. This is what Hanna Hybicka, an active member of the STOMAlife Foundation, says about herself.
It all started very normally. It was fall, 2009. Hanna was training intensively for the next dance tournament. Rock'n'roll, jive are her signature numbers enriched with numerous acrobatics. After one of the training sessions, it turned out that he had a problem with hemorrhoids. One of the lumps was extending from the anus. She didn't think it was serious. So she went to the pharmacy and asked for some preparation. The pharmacist administered suppositories and ointment. Unfortunately, they did not help. A visit to the GP, then. Then at the proctologist and surgeon. The diagnosis was not disturbing - an overgrown hemorrhage that needs to be removed. With a referral in her hand, she went to the hospital, where it was found that a colonoscopy was necessary. Initial results were good, but a sample was taken for histopathological examination. The results were to be in two weeks. Hanna went to pick them up. The doctor said: "This is squamous cell carcinoma. It needs to be removed quickly."
The world collapsed on my head
- For me, the diagnosis of "cancer" was tantamount to a death sentence - recalls Hanna Hybicka. - I did not know my name then, where I live or what was happening around me. But I also wanted to get rid of this filth as soon as possible. I asked the doctor to schedule an operation quickly. Only a month passed from diagnosis to surgery. Then two months of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. I went to the hospital every two weeks, but it was a nightmare. Not because of the hardships of the therapy, although it was not easy, but because of the ostomy pouch. I was terribly afraid that she would detach from her belly. When someone in my neighborhood farted, I was convinced that it was me who stinked and that everyone felt it. I couldn't control this fear. I was a nervous wreck. I was looking for help, some support, and so I found myself among other stomics. I have found out that there are a lot of people like me.
Volunteering and help for ostomates
She has been a volunteer for four years and supports ostomates and their families. She explains, comforts, talks about her life, proves almost every day that the stoma is not the end of the world, that you can live with it normally, you canenjoy and pursue your passions. - Last year, I heard from my doctor the words that every sick person is waiting for - says Hanna. - The doctor said: “Mrs. Hanna is our last meeting. You're well. She will not forget that moment and what she felt then for the rest of her life. Tears come to my eyes, and my voice breaks. She falls silent to control her emotions. After a while he says: - I won. I got to the finish line. Hanna has no regrets. Only now he tells everyone to get tested, because cancer detected early can be cured. "I've always been a cheerful person," she says. - Cancer hasn't changed me either. I am neither better nor worse than before her. Perhaps I only understand better people who are suffering and concerned about their he alth. Maybe it's easier for me to talk to them …
The disease has taken neither my joy of life nor my sensitivity
In 2005, Hanna bought a parrot - a blue-headed amazon, which she named Kuba. The parrot started talking pretty quickly. - During one of the exhibitions of exotic birds, Cuba presented himself perfectly - says Hanna. - He talked, presented his skills, but not some trained ones, only those resulting from the observation of the environment in which he was. The guests of the exhibition were children with various disabilities. One of the carers of the group of children asked if we would like to visit the children in the center. I agreed, and so began the parrot therapy. When Hanna talks about her parrot and the joy that the bird gives to sick children, how it can entertain them - she beams. - It is an amazing experience to see how children chained to hospital beds or staying in care centers enjoy the meeting with Kuba. They forget about the disease. How happy they are when a parrot introduces himself, eats food from a teaspoon and says, "Good." I also collect parrot feathers for my children. When I give them away, I am glad that such a little thing also brings joy to children. The bird imitates many sounds from around the world, and as he shows off his skills, the children laugh to tears. It is quite unusual when they shyly extend their hand to Cuba, when they want to get closer to a bird, make friends with it.
Life resourcefulness and optimism
They allow her to function normally. Stoma service is not only about pouches. You need a gel that seals the bag to the abdomen, special wipes for removing glue from the skin, healing creams to soothe irritation and finally drops to eliminate the smell that could come out of the bag. 300 zlotys will be enough for all this. It is not sufficient. Hanna has a modest pension (PLN 1150), for which she has to support herself and pay all bills.Hannah. - Let everyone find out about the life of the Polish ostomist at last. The limit granted by the ministry is like a quilt that is too short. Either your back or your legs get cold. I cannot afford all the ostomy accessories. I'm saving on bags. What am I doing? You won't believe it, but I wash it and use it again. I won't go into details, but it is humiliating. I'm angry when I talk about it, but that's our reality.
Joy of life
Hanna often emphasizes that the disease and the emergence of a stoma did not take away her joy of life. "I live in the moment, but I squeeze as much out of each as I can," he says. - I love Latin American dance and I still dance in the club, I run every day and practice stretching my muscles. Age? What age? When I turned sixty, I did splits without any problems. Hanna wanted to integrate with her peers, but it overwhelmed her energy. - I have neither the time nor the desire to talk about diseases and to yell forever. I prefer the company of people much younger than me, because I find a common language with them. I understand them and they are glad to talk to me about anything. Sometimes we dance and sing together. It is such a real intergenerational friendship that someone may not like. But I don't care.
The most active senior citizen of the capital
Recently, Hanna was recognized as the most active senior in the capital. He is happy about it, but also jokes a bit. "I avoid angry and rotten people," he says. - I am joyful and I try to pass this joy on to others. Even when I go to a movie set as an extra, I'm glad. The fee is modest, but I am with the people. I'm 33 … up to a hundred, so I'm going to experience a lot more. Hanna likes to joke and sometimes laughs at her illness, saying that she is very rich because she has two buttocks. - During a quarrel with my friend, I got upset and said to him: "Kiss me in …" - says Hanna. - My friend looked at me and with a smile asked: "Which one?" This defused the whole situation. I am saying this because the stoma can become part of everyone's life. But she does not limit, takes nothing away. It can be difficult, but we have the power. I say goodbye. Hanna is walking lightly, and I am reminded of the words sung by Renata Przemyk:I dance on the table, I lift my dress,I break bottles, tread glass, Sad gentlemen practice poker,And I have a cancan in front of them.Hanna could also do that. It's her style. Greedy for life, bursting with energy and new ideas. Sensitive, but also persistent and consistent. You can steal horses with this one.
According to an expertMagda Piegat, STOMALIFE FOUNDATIONUgly and smelly topicIn Polandabout 40,000 people live with a stoma people. Every year, about 6,000 are performed. stoma surgery. But it does not change the fact that in the public perception the topic is considered difficult and… smelly. - This is a topic that many people associate with old age and dying - says Magda Piegat from the STOMAlife Foundation. - This is one of the reasons why the stoma is rarely mentioned in public. After all, a stoma isn't just cancer. It is enough to enter the lanes and meet the crazy driver. An accident, damage to the intestines or bladder and there is already a stoma. Many people fear its emergence, and even if it should be done for medical reasons, they postpone the decision as a final evil. They do not believe they can handle a stoma and they focus on the fear that they will walk around dirty, which will quickly exclude them from both professional and social life. The regulations currently in force partially cover the needs of ostomates, but the ideal situation is a long way off. The limits for the supply of stoma equipment have not been changed for 12 years, and we must remember that the stoma needs a bag 24 hours a day. Without good quality supplies, giving a sense of security, a person with an ostomy will simply not leave the house. Depending on the type of stoma, the patient has a certain amount at their disposal. In the case of a colostomy, it is PLN 300 per month, for an ileostomy - PLN 400, and for a urostomy - PLN 480. These are the amounts that were established in 2004. During the 12 years of these provisions in force, medical equipment was subject to VAT at 7%, and in the following years it was increased to 8%. Unfortunately, this did not translate into an increase in the amounts of the limits. So, although the Ministry of He alth regulation states that the stoma is en titled to 90 bags a month, it is in fact a fiction. The latest technological solutions used in stoma equipment, enabling a normal life and solving many problems (e.g. with intestinal leakage), do not meet the limits from years ago. We must also remember that ostomy appliances are not just bags or plates. In fact, it is difficult to imagine proper stoma care without care products, skin protection preparations or sealing pastes. The return to equipment of a quality comparable to the Krakow belt known to a few (it is a hard pelota with an ordinary plastic bag) will lock many people in the four walls of their homes, because normal life is out of the question. And looking at the amounts of the limits only through the prism of bags is short-sighted and proves ignorance of the subject. Effective stoma care is also essential to ensure that skin and dignity are not harmed, as risk is minimized.failure.
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