Mulberry is a plant whose properties and effects have been researched by scientists for years. The most studied variety is white mulberry, which contains substances that lower blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of developing atherosclerosis. In addition, mulberry can be a means of losing weight. Check what other properties mulberry has.
White mulberry( Morus alba L. ) andblack mulberry(Morus nigra L. ) is a plantyoriginating from Southeast Asia (mainly northern China). Their healing properties, especially the extract from the leaves of these plants, have been used for centuries. There are over 150 varieties of mulberry. However, the most popular are the white mulberry, black mulberry andred mulberry( Morus rubraL.).
In traditional Chinese medicine,white mulberry leaves were usedincl. in lowering high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Similar properties were also shown bymulberry root bark extracts , which were additionally used as anti-inflammatory agents as measures to protect the liver and kidneys, and as painkillers.
Contraindications for mulberry consumption are pregnancy and lactation.
White mulberry for diabetes
White mulberry contains several ingredients that helpmaintain normal blood sugar levels .
One of them is the compound namedDNJ(alkaloid 1,5-didesoxy-1,5-imino-D-sorbitol=1-deoxynojirimycin) and its derivatives. This water-soluble compound is found onlyin mulberry leaves , and it works by slowing the breakdown of starch in food into simple sugars such as glucose, which in turn reduces postprandial hyperglycemia .
Another component of white mulberry, which contributes to the maintenance of the proper carbohydrate metabolism and carbohydrate metabolism, isquercetin(a type of flavonoid). It inhibits the action of an enzyme calledaldose reductase(ALR2), which is responsible for the synthesis of sorbitol from excess glucose. Increased levels ofsorbitolcan lead to complications in the functioning of the nervous system, eyes and kidneys, especially in diabetics.
In addition, quercetin protects cells and membranescells and DNA against damage caused by free radicals, which plays an important role in the prevention of many diseases, incl. diabetes.
White mulberry anti-diabetes tea - recipe
In Korea, Japan and Chile, white mulberry leaves have long been used in the preparation ofMon Tea - tea for diabetics .
To prepare anti-diabetic tea, just pour about1 g of white mulberry leaves with 100 ml of hot water (98 ° C) and brew for 3 to 5 minutes . The research of scientists shows that tea prepared in this way allows to inhibit the activity of enzymes that are responsible for the breakdown of sugars.
On the other hand, other researchers found that after consuming aqueous extracts of white mulberry leaves with sucrose, the level of postprandial glucose decreases in he althy people and diabetics 120 minutes after infusion.
White mulberry can prevent cancer
Diabetes is not the only civilization disease that white mulberry can help fight against. Research shows thatwhite mulberry leaf methanol extractand its fractionsinhibit the production of nitric oxide (NO) , which causes tissue damage that may contribute to todevelopment of neoplastic diseases .
White mulberry has antiatherosclerotic properties
White mulberry exhibitsantioxidant properties , thanks to which it inhibits the oxidation of low-density lipoproteins (LDL), and thus prevents the growth of "bad" LDL cholesterol in the blood. Thus, they reduce atherosclerotic damage.
This is confirmed by other studies conducted on mice on a diet that contains 1 percent. mulberry leaf powder. They showed a significant increase in the oxidation time of cholesterol (LDL fraction) and a reduction in atherosclerotic damage in the aortas of mice. In turn, Asian scientists have proven that the butanol extract from the leaves of this plant inhibits the oxidation of the LDL fraction in the blood in both humans and animals (specifically rabbits).
Mulberry may reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease
Morwamay lower the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease . Mulberry leaf extract inhibits the formation and weakens the neurotoxicity of b-amyloid 1-42 proteins, which, as reported by more and more scientists, play a significant role in the development of this disease.
Mulberry - antibacterial and antiviral
It has been scientifically proven that mulberry leaves contain compounds, including those from the group of flavonoids, that can deal with bacteria such as:
- golden staph
- salmonella (specificallySalmonella paratyphi , which causes pseudodura)
- Shigella dysenteriae - a bacterium responsible for diarrhea and abdominal pain
In addition, it has been shown thatalkaloids found in mulberry leaves and bark , including the aforementioned compound DNJ, may have antiviral activity, and flavonoid derivatives may inhibit HIV reverse transcriptase .
Mulberry for slimming
Scientists have proved that mulberry extract administered for 32 days to mice with diet-dependent obesity caused a reduction in the body weight of animals. Hence,mulberrycan be a good meansfor weight loss.This may explain why consumption of tea from its leaves is increasing, especially in Japan.
Mulberry - use in the kitchen
Mulberry fruits produce blackberry-like fruits that vary in color - from white through pink to black. They ripen at the end of July and fall quickly. They are edible, although red and black mulberry fruits (very rare in Poland) are tastier - because they are juicy and have a sweet and sour taste (white mulberry fruits are rather bland). In folk medicine, they are used as an antipyretic and diuretic.
Dark mulberry berries can be used to make jams, marmalades, juices and compotes, wines, liqueurs and tinctures.