In recent days, there have been reports that the virus from China can be caught by touching or eating food items previously touched by a person suffering from COVID-19. The European Food Safety Authority reassures that, to the current knowledge, there is no evidence of this.
- Coronavirus: how to shop safely
- Coronavirus: Safe Food Preparation
According to a statement recently published by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) on its website, there is currently no evidence that the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus is transmitted to humans via food - they have not shown this because no research conducted so far.
As emphasized by Marta Hugas, head of the EFSA research team: "Experience from previous SARS and MERS epidemics allows us to believe that humans are not infected through food. So it is also unlikely in this case, and there are no evidence that this happened ".
Nevertheless, both EFSA and World He alth Organization (WHO) experts emphasize how important it is - in order to maintain the microbiological safety of food - to strictly follow food safety rules so that it is not contaminated at any time. stage: during production, distribution and sales.
Coronavirus: how to shop safely
The World He alth Organization recommends that only he althy people go to stores: someone who coughs or sneezes should do online shopping or ask someone from their family to bring their groceries.
- If this is not possible, keep the so-called hygiene of coughing and sneezing (cover mouth and nose with a tissue or elbow, do not cough at other people or goods).
- When shopping, avoid crowded places and do not create crowds yourself, also remember to keep a safe distance from other buyers (the distance between each person in the line should be at least one meter).
- People who buy bread, nuts, sweets and other bulk products that are then eaten without washing or heat treatment should pack them in foil gloves or pouches: it is unhygienicdisguising them and touching them with bare hands.

Together Against Coronavirus
Coronavirus: Safe Food Preparation
Hygiene should also be observed when preparing meals - as experts emphasize, it is important, first of all, to avoid food poisoning.
Before preparing a meal, wash your hands thoroughly, and in addition to the washable products, you should also wash cutting boards, knives and the worktop.
Experts also remind that coronaviruses, including SARS-CoV-2, need a host to multiply. The virus is destroyed by both thorough food washing and thermal processing, i.e. cooking or baking the product, which eliminates not only SARS-CoV-2, but also other microbial contaminants.
See what experts of the World He alth Organization advise on this topic:

More about the virus from China
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