The coronavirus pandemic is for some a way to… business or a joke. Sad, but true - do not be fooled and deceived, and take many news with a pinch of s alt, especially if they do not come from a reliable source.
There is afake newson social media about how to check if we suffer fromCOVID-19caused by the coronavirus. It's simple - according to fake news - take a deep breath and hold it for more than 10 seconds. If you manage to do this without coughing, without discomfort, shortness of breath, or pressure etc, then there is no fibrosis in the lungs, which essentially indicates no infection.
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The news is more dramatic - it suggests the disease may progress asymptomatically, and once we discover that something is wrong with our he alth, it may be too late. The theory of holding air for 10 seconds and more is "supposedly" created by scientists from Singapore, Taiwan, or other remote regions of the world.
Note - this is not true. First of all, information about the virus should be found on government websites. They are constantly updated. Now let's move on to debunking this news.
Lung fibrosis (also called interstitial pneumonia) is not a symptom of COVID-19! The first symptoms of contracting the coronavirus are a cough and a high fever. Of course, the infection can be asymptomatic, but then you will not look for pulmonary fibrosis!
Pulmonary fibrosis occurs when scar tissue forms around the alveoli in the lungs. These scars reduce the lungs' ability to deliver air, resulting in low oxygen saturation in the blood and insufficient oxygen in the bloodstream. The disease is usually diagnosed in people who have been exposed for many years to breathing in highly polluted air. And by no means holding your breath for longer than 10 seconds is no way to diagnose a medical condition.
As a result of contracting the coronavirus, pneumonia may occur. However, such a complication is not asymptomatic - we are dealing with a cough, high fever, malaise. A history of pneumonia may leave scarring in the lungs.
Government websites where all information should be confirmed include:in.: / web / coronavirus
WHO: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) advice for the public /

Together Against Coronavirus
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