Ozone therapy (ozone treatment) has been used mainly in dentistry. Ozone has strong bactericidal, viral and fungicidal properties, which are used to treat, among others, caries, gingivitis or aphthae. Ozone therapy is also a way to some glide in the circulatory system, acne, herpes, and even rejuvenation. Check what other uses of ozone therapy are.
Ozone therapy (ozone treatment)is a treatment method that uses ozone mixed with oxygen. Ozone therapy may take the form of, inter alia, oxygen-ozone baths, rinsing with ozonated liquids, intravenous, subcutaneous and intramuscular injections. You can also apply oily ozone preparations to the skin.
Ozone therapy (ozone treatment) - application in dentistry
Ozone is one of the strongest oxidants - reacting with organic compounds (e.g. bacteria or fungi), it causes them to be oxidized. Consequently, ozone has strong bactericidal, viral and fungicidal properties. The research shows that it effectively fights pathogens such asStreptococcus mutans , fecal streptococcus, blue oil rod, fungiCandida albicans , and in a very short time time. Ozonated water can fight some microorganisms even in 30 seconds or in 1 minute.
Ozone is also used to treat osteoarthritis, lumbar discopathy and sympathetic dystrophies
These properties are used in dentistry to treat caries and pulp infections. In periodontology, ozone is used to treat gingivitis and periodontitis, aphthae and oral candidiasis. In addition, ozone is used in implantology and dental surgery, as it prevents the occurrence of postoperative complications, accelerates healing, enables the inhibition of prolonged bleeding and reduces swelling. On the other hand, prosthetists use ozone because it reduces the risk of caries under prosthetic restorations, crowns, bridges or veneers.
CHECK>>Teeth treatment without drilling: what instead of a drill? Ozone is also a weapon against which dangerous microorganisms show a shortageimmunity. Therefore, it turns out to be particularly beneficial in the treatment of those patients who have complete resistance of bacteria to various types of antibiotics and sulfonamides. Ozone dissolves very well not only in water, but also in blood plasma. Thanks to this, it is able to stimulate circulation, which makes it used in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, e.g. in limb blood circulation disorders, especially in atherosclerosis of the lower limbs, ulcerative lesions caused by diabetes, as well as caused by insufficiency of the venous system. absorbent. Ozone therapy (ozone treatment) - contraindications Ozone therapy can be used by people who cannot cope with difficult to heal, chronic wounds, soft tissue ulcers, bedsores, infected traumatic wounds. Ozone is also used in the prevention of nosocomial infections after planned, reconstructive orthopedic surgeries. Due to its antiviral properties, ozone therapy is used in the case of herpes on the lips. After a few treatments, the inflammation, blister and pain are alleviated. On the other hand, water with the addition of ozone is a proposal for people in adolescence, because it soothes acne-prone skin. Some clinics offerblood ozonation (autohemotransfusion) . As the supporters of this procedure argue, its aim is to "rejuvenate" the blood and oxygenate the body. It is said that in its course, old blood cells are replaced with new ones. Blood ozonation consists in taking 100-150 ml of blood and inserting it into a medical device, with the help of which an oxygen-ozone mixture is formed. The mixture is then injected into the patient's vein. It is worth knowing that the drip ozonation treatment is also performed, which consists in ozonizing, for example, physiological saline and administering it to the patient in the form of a drip. It has been used in cosmetics ozonated oil , which is advertised as a revitalizing and caring agent for damaged, dry skin. The ozone contained in the oil improves the metabolism in skin cells and circulation, and thus accelerates and enhances the absorption of oxygen by the skin. When the skin is more oxygenated, it looks he althier and ages more slowly. Ozone therapy (ozone treatment) - is it harmful? Ozone is a gas that is toxic to humans. He alth problems may appear if its concentration in the air exceeds a safe value. Symptoms such as: may appear with prolonged contact with ozone and are also intensified at higher concentrations. Animal studies show that it has a negative effect on the respiratory system and immune processes. Moreover, it has been shown to be genotoxic. However, ozone therapy, when used properly and in accordance with medical recommendations, is a safe and non-toxic method Bibliography: Białoszewski D., Bocian E., Tyski E.,Ozone treatment and the use of ozone in disinfection , "Postępy Mikrobiologii" 2012, 51, 3Ozone therapy (ozone treatment) in antibiotic resistance
Ozone therapy (ozone treatment) for atherosclerosis
Ozone therapy (ozone treatment) for skin wounds
Ozone therapy (ozone treatment) for cold sores and acne
Blood ozonation to oxygenate the body?
Ozone therapy (ozone treatment) for rejuvenation