Boot camp fitness is a new type of physical activity that consists of group exercises that seem to be training American recruits. If you like adrenaline and new challenges, and you don't know yet what a boot camp is, be sure to find out what training is like, which is becoming more and more popular in Poland.
Boot campis a type of endurance sport that strengthens the entire body by influencing different parts of the muscles. This form of classes, very popular in the USA, is just beginning to develop in Poland.
What is boot camp fitness?
Boot campis based on a sequence of exercises arranged in accordance with the assumption of circuit training. The group follows the instructions of the trainer who is responsible for the course of the classes. Exercises are usually held outdoors and require a great deal of self-discipline from participants to undergo regular military training.
What connects with fitness boot camp training is that - similarly to aerobics classes - exercises are performed by a group of people, and the trainer is responsible for their course, who arranges the schedule of classes so as to repeat the learned exercises every day, diversify them or increase them the number of repetitions. It is a type of activity for persistent, determined people who like adventures and adrenaline.
Advantages of boot camp training
Boot camp strengthens the muscles of the whole body much better than other physical exercises. It improves the condition, speed and overall physical fitness of the body. This is because the workouts consist of endurance exercises designed to increase your body's strength capacity.
Regular boot camp fitness exercises increase the flexibility of muscles and joints, burn fat (you can burn up to 1000 kcal in an hour!), And also improve motor coordination. The increase in motivation of the exerciser is influenced by the rapid weight loss, because systematic training allows you to lose extra pounds, slim the figure and strengthen the body. An additional factor mobilizing to be active is the presence of a rigorous trainer. A group of other exercisers who struggle with their physical and mental capacities as well as you also help.
This will be useful to youBoot camp training plan
Part 1.A 10-minute warm-up to prepare the body for endurance training.
Part2.Training consisting of both the sequence of commonly known exercises (such as: squats, push-ups, jumps, running, exercises in pairs or group competitions, e.g. races, fights according to the rules set by the trainer) and exercises which you have not tried in this form (e.g. a squat with a jump and a turn of 45 degrees or front supports with legs on a bench and alternating upward swing of the legs). The trainer's genuinely surprising ideas, such as a timed run with nets filled with sand or stones, can make training a fun way for you, rather than a body workout. The exercises are tailored according to the group's abilities and become more difficult as the group progresses. The duration of this part of the training is usually 30-40 minutes.
Part 3.Stretching, stretching exercises, relaxing the body (about 10 minutes). The training ends with homework, then each participant runs the distance to his home.
3 phases of basic boot camp training
1. Small groups of 6-12 people start training at the basic level. The first stage lasts 8-10 weeks. Participants meet 2-3 times a week and exercise 30-45 minutes.
2. The next phase of training lasts 6-8 weeks. Groups exercise 3-5 times a week, extending the exercise time. They train 45 to 60 minutes a day.
3. The last stage of the boot camp lasts 4-8 weeks. Participants exercise 5-6 times a week for 60-90 minutes. It happens that they increase the number of workouts up to two a day!
Boot camp fitness - who is it for?
The proposed training is exercises recommended for everyone, regardless of age. However, before you decide on this type of activity, consider the possibilities of your own body and the type of temperament you have. If you prefer to practice on your own or you are bothered by the fact that someone requires you to put more effort than you can, don't force yourself to do boot camp training.
Completing tasks requires good physical condition and greater than average physical abilities of the body. People who choose this type of activity should set themselves up for a lot of effort. You need to spend more time on boot camp than on regular training. In addition to morning exercises, we also have to do tasks at home. Training groups usually include people of a similar temperament, who want to develop physical skills, like challenges and clearly defined goals.
Boot camp for runners
Due to the growing interest in running, workouts for runners have also become very popular, developing not only dormant muscle groups, but also strengthening muscle fibers, causingthereby increasing their mass.
Runners should start with one boot camp a week to gradually increase their number. The exercises significantly improve the running form of the participants, reduce their body weight by at least 2-3 kg, which has a positive effect on the work of the stressed joints.
Where to train boot camp?
There are several varieties of boot camp in Poland, which differ not only in the level of difficulty of the exercises, but also in the groups of people they are aimed at. Boot camp schools offer both training with elements of fighting techniques, boxing, stretching and yoga, as well as horse riding or even swimming. The training plan depends on the group and the trainer conducting the exercises. Participants usually meet in the morning once or several times a week for a month or two. Training in parks or forests is a good idea for all those who prefer to exercise close to home and be able to regenerate at home. In many boot camps, the first lessons are free.
Boot camp
Travel stays are also becoming more and more popular, during which participants face the challenge of a real soldier's drill. The organizers plan, among other things, to wake up at 6 am, walk-jogs, mountaineering and orienteering. Between the above-mentioned tasks, participants will have interval exercises that improve speed, coordination, strength and endurance.
If you decide to go to a boot camp, you have to take into account higher costs. The price of a weekly boot camp for an adult ranges from 2,000 to even 5,000 PLN. The most expensive are camp stays, during which participants are guaranteed not only the right dose of intense exercise, but also a diet cleansing the body of toxins, yoga classes, or exotic massages relaxing the body after exercise. For a camp for children between 6 and 12 years of age, we usually have to pay from 700 to 1300 PLN.
If in your childhood you dreamed of becoming a soldier, boot camp is an activity designed especially for you. Try exercises under the supervision of a trainer and check the capabilities of your body!