A case of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus infection has appeared in Poland. Is the coronavirus from China dangerous? What to do to avoid getting sick?
- Coronavirus from China: is it dangerous?
- Coronavirus from China: symptoms of COVID-19 disease
- Coronavirus from China: how to avoid infection?
- Coronavirus from China: what to do if you suspect an infection?
The coronavirus from China, called SARS-CoV-2, got loud at the beginning of the year, when the first cases of infection with a pathogen unknown at that time were confirmed in the Chinese city of Wuhan. Currently, the epidemic of infections has spread all over the world, it has also reached Poland.
Coronavirus from China: is it dangerous?
The SARS-Cov-2 coronavirus causes a disease called COVID-19. Coronavirus is most dangerous for the elderly, immunocompromised patients and those suffering from chronic diseases (especially heart disease and diabetes), while it is mildest for children and middle-aged people.
U nearly 20 percent infected, the disease is severe, and in 2-3 percent. ends in death. So far, nearly 81,000 have fallen ill worldwide. people, 28 thousand recovered. Almost three thousand patients died due to complications caused by the coronavirus - mainly the elderly, sick, over 70 years of age. So far, the CHin coronavirus very rarely affects young people and children.
Coronavirus from China: symptoms of COVID-19 disease
COVID-19 symptoms are similar to the flu. The most common symptoms are fever (up to 40 degrees C), cough, shortness of breath, as well as fatigue and muscle pain. In the course of the disease, there may also be problems with breathing, as well as pneumonia.

Together Against Coronavirus
Coronavirus from China: how to avoid infection?
The SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus is spread like many other infections - by airborne droplets. So far, there is no vaccine for it, but you can successfully protect yourself in other ways, using the methods recommended by the World He alth Organization and the Chief Sanitary Inspector. Here they are:
- Wash your hands (more often than usual) with warm, soapy water for 20-30 seconds, and rub them with an alcohol-based sanitizer wherever possible(at least 60%). Washing your hands kills viruses on the skin of your hands and prevents them from spreading to your nose or mouth.
- Avoid touching your mouth, nose and eyes with your hands. If the virus is on your hands, you can transfer it to the mucous membranes this way.
- If you are coughing and sneezing, cover your nose and mouth with a tissue or bent elbow (not your hand). This helps to reduce the spread of viruses and sedimentation on objects. Throw the handkerchief in a closed bin and wash your hands.
- Do not stand near someone who is coughing, sneezing or who has a fever. WHO recommends a distance of at least a meter - standing closer, it is easy to get infected with a virus transmitted in saliva and mucus droplets.
Remember that a surgical face mask will not protect you from infection: wearing it is currently only recommended for people who have mild symptoms of viral infection (coughing, sneezing) or suspect coronavirus infection (and their caregivers).
See what the WHO advises:

The National He alth Fund has launched a 24-hour hotline for people who suspect coronavirus infection and do not know how to proceed or where to report. The hotline employees provide information at 800-190-590.
Coronavirus from China: what to do if you suspect an infection?
Not every viral infection that manifests with a cough, runny nose and fever is an infection with the coronavirus from China - at this time of the year, the cause of such ailments may be the already mentioned flu, but also a cold, other viral or bacterial infections (e.g. infection with whooping cough or HiB). The Ministry of He alth recommends such people to contact a doctor and stay at home until they recover.
The situation is different in the case of people who returned from areas affected by the epidemic, e.g. from China or Italy, or had close contact with someone infected with the coronavirus. As long as there are no symptoms of infection, you should stay at home for 14 days and check your he alth condition: observe your well-being, take the temperature - if during this period alarming symptoms of infection appear, notify the sanitary inspection or go to the infectious diseases ward to hospital, using transport medical service (and not by public transport). If everything is OK, observation can be terminated after 14 days.
In turn, people who have returned from countries affected by the epidemic and have symptoms of infection - fever, shortness of breath, cough - should first call the local sanitary and epidemiological station or go directly to the hospit alto the infectious disease ward, where they will be tested and, if necessary, quarantined. You must not go to the clinic or emergency department if you suspect a coronavirus infection.
Updated recommendations for people suspecting Chinese coronavirus infection can be found on the website of the Chief Sanitary Inspectorate.
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