"I ran away from Covid for two years and it was successful, but unfortunately today, after returning home, I felt that I felt cold, I measured the fever - 38.1 C. I did an antigen test from a nasopharyngeal swab - unfortunately I'm hit", wrote Dr. n. med. Maciej Jędrzejko, a well-known gynecologist. The doctor also described how he intends to treat COVID-19 at home and when he will call an ambulance. His advice may be of use to anyone who becomes infected with the coronavirus.

Dr. Maciej Jędrzejko, MD, PhD is a well-known Silesian obstetrician-gynecologist. He is also the author of, among others a popular on Facebook covid guide (covidowyporadnikdomowy). As he wrote, he suspects that he has been infected with Omicron for at least 3-5 days.

He described his symptoms: "So far I have a slight runny nose, a slight fever, my eyes sting a bit, my throat is red, palatine gaps and tonsils without raids, no purulent plugs on the back of the throat, enlarged lymphatic lumps, clean mucus discharge , a bit increased, I feel tired (but had an intense day as well) and that's it for now. "

In the post on FB, the doctor indicated that he has a thermometer, pulse oximeter, pressure measuring device and a saline nebulizer ready. Since he has comorbidities such as hypertension, obesity, and insulin resistance, he has a supply of drugs and makes sure to take them regularly. He does not intend to take amantadine, as there is no evidence of its effectiveness so far.

It will increase the amount of vitamins - vit. D3 from 4000j to 8000j a day and vitamin C to 2g a day, plus he will be taking 50 mg of zinc a day and oral probiotics and natural sources such as silage and yoghurt. Due to obesity, he will also take prophylactic anticoagulant low molecular weight heparin. He also intends to drink 4 liters of water a day.

Dr. Maciej Jędrzejko also suggests that it is worth watching a runny nose and discharge, as well as monitor saturation with a pulse oximeter every 4-6 hours and measure pressure and temperature. It is also worth getting out of bed at least once every 3-4 hours and walking around the house, and while lying in bed, lift your limbs from time to time - all in order to prevent possible blood clots.

In the content of his post, he also describes what medications and in what dose he will take when the fever rises, and in what situation he will call an ambulance. He also asks everyone with whom he has recently had close contact,they did a test for COVID-19.
