The Italian daily Il Messaggero recently published the opinions of local experts on tanning during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. According to them, convalescents and people vaccinated against COVID-19 should use the sun cautiously during the summer season and take more care of their skin. We asked the dermatologist Dr. Bartosz Pawlikowski to comment on these reports.

Italian dermatologists pointed out that in summer it is worthwhile to properly dose the sun to help, but not harm. Their statement can be considered a kind of appeal to people who have overcome the COVID-19 disease and those who are fully vaccinated or after the first dose of the preparation for the coronavirus.

Experts have explained that their skin may beweaker and more exposed to excessive sunlight . According to them, these people should postpone sunbathing for a few weeks and gradually prepare the body for sun exposure. During this summer, the skin should be particularly protected - the use of, among others, protective creams is even recommended.

Tanning after vaccination against COVID-19 should wait?

This issue is extremely important - especially now, when the heat can be felt. To clarify whether COVID-19 vaccines should not be combined with sun exposure, we contacteddermatologist Dr. Bartosz Pawlikowski.At the very beginning, he noted that "regardless of whether the vaccine is one or two doses should not be given before the planned exposure to the sun ”. Why?

- COVID-19 vaccines are genetic or vector in nature. In the case of genetic vaccines, a modified mRNA chain is injected into the body, from which the cells of the human body produce proteins that trigger the immune response. In the case of a vectored vaccine, an inactive particle of the adenovirus that causes colds in chimpanzees is used to induce an autoimmune response in the body. Both vaccinesneed more time to trigger a reaction on the part of the immune systemthan previously known anti-viral vaccines - said Dr. Bartosz Pawlikowski in an interview with Poradnik Zdrowie.

When it is safe to sunbathe after being ill or vaccinated againstCOVID-19? As noted by the specialist in dermatology, "due to the need for a prolonged time to induce an immune response from the body,safe period after which you can be exposed to the sun is 45 daysand after the second dose of the vaccine two-dose vaccine and single-dose vaccine, and the same amount of time after recovery. "

Dr. Bartosz Pawlikowski also showed how to take care of your skin during the holidays. - Precautions to be taken before exposure to the sun are the same as for classic sun protection, i.e.maximum high SPE filters- the dermatologist recommended. He also added that you should "be careful with high temperatures to avoid overheating the body" and do not forget about daily hydration.

