The ABS, or Abdominal Body System, diet was created for men, but it turned out to be a very effective way to get a flat stomach and slim waist of women. The ABS diet is based on an energy balance. It becomes important to accumulate fat in order to build muscle. Only then will you be able to get rid of excess fat, if your stomach is not completely empty. Refraining from eating leads to hunger pangs and, consequently, binge eating. And from there it is not far to overweight and obesity.
The ABS dietwas created for all those who cannot imagine sucking in a hole or eating only greens or bran. Because real gourmets cannot imagine a few things: giving up sex, not having access to the Internet and … losing weight. The first two matters can be solved in a simple way, while sticking to the diet often turns out to be an insurmountable barrier.
What the ABS diet is all about - rules
The ABS (Abdominal Body System) diet was invented by David Zinczenko, editor-in-chief of the monthly "Men's He alth", the world's popular magazine about a he althy lifestyle for men. He decided that the principle followed by most nutritionists, ie "eat less", does not work for men who dream of a beautiful musculature. That is why he focused not so much on caloric restrictions as on products that support muscle building and accelerate the burning of energy reserves. The ABS diet is a six-week diet program that can also be used by women. Its main goal isflat stomach , but the whole body gains: overall form, well-being and fitness improve. The excess fat also disappears from other problem areas.
If you want to lose weight according to the American editor's guidelines, you should choose products from 12 food groups that have been developed for the ABS diet (see the exact list below). The ABS Diet recommends that you minimize processed carbohydrates (white bread, sweets), saturated fats (fatty animal products), trans fats (cube margarines and confectionery products that contain them, such as shortbread cookies), alcohol and corn syrup. It can therefore be safely considered a he althy diet that provides the body with all the necessary nutrients. By following a dietonce a week, you can indulge in one meal that does not meet the requirements of the ABS diet. The menu contains a lot of valuable protein - a minimum of 2 g per kilogram of body weight in men and slightly less in women, which speeds up metabolism and building processes, but without burdening the kidneys, as is the case with high-protein diets (e.g. in the Dukan diet) .
ABS Diet: 6 meals a day
The first and basic rule of the ABS diet is 6 regular meals throughout the day - 3 main and 3 small snacks. This frequency - we actually eat every 2 hours - is to ensure a feeling of fullness. It is not about limiting food, but about proper energy balance. Zinchenko refers here to the research of scientists from Georgia State University. They developed the technique of hourly measuring the energy balance. This allows you to determine how many calories ,consumed by us per hour are burned at the same time. It turned out that if the excess or deficit of calories burned remains in the range of 300-500 kcal, then the chances of getting rid of excess fat are the best. In turn, the greater the disturbance of the energy balance, the greater the overweight.
According to the guidelines of the ABS diet, a large number of meals during the day should ensure balance. Zinczenko argues that only then will it be possible to get rid of unnecessary fat, if our stomach is not completely empty. Starvation and detention only lead to unrestrained hunger and binge eating. Cocktails will certainly help to ease the appetite. Zinczenko to the skies praises mixes based on low-fat yogurt, skim milk, buttermilk, combined with fruit, ice or vegetables. Properly composed cocktails can serve as he althy and low-calorie snacks, but they can also replace a wholesome meal.
How much weight can you lose on the ABS diet - effects
As mentioned, eating 6 meals a day on a regular basis is key to your ABS diet. You do not need to carefully count calories, but if you want to achieve visibleeffectsin a short time, i.e. lose5-6 kg during a 6-weekdiet, it is worth providing body 1500-1600 kcal per day (men about 400 kcal more). An indispensable element of this diet are exercises that help to burn calories and additionally increase the metabolism.
ImportantABS diets should not be used by pregnant women and people with kidney diseases. It is also not intended for children and teenagers.
ABS diet - 12 food groups allowed
In the ABS diet, you can eat foods classified as one of the12 food groups:
1. Wholemeal breads and cereals.
Provides complex carbohydrates that release energy gradually, preventing blood glucose levels from spiking. Wholemeal bread, pasta and groats are, among others a good source of magnesium, iron and folic acid, which ensure the proper functioning of the female body, especially the nervous system and muscles. It is also an invaluable source of fiber, reducing the feeling of hunger and ensuring the proper functioning of the intestines.
2. Dairy products (skim milk, yoghurt, cheese, cottage cheese).
The calcium contained in the dairy products is essential in combating the "oponka" around the waist. Many studies show that 1200-1300 mg of calcium per day is enough to efficiently dispose of unwanted stores. In addition, warm milk helps you fall asleep and regenerate at night, and the addition of cocoa will satisfy your appetite for sweets. On the other hand, fermented milk drinks are a source of good bacteria that guarantee better metabolism and absorption of nutrients.
3. Almonds and nuts.
As an excellent source of vitamin E, they activate repair and rejuvenating processes in the body. They contain many ingredients that are very important for slimming: fiber, calcium, B vitamins. You can munch them as a snack and add to salads - a few pieces a day is enough. It is also worth including almond milk in the menu (without giving up traditional cow's milk and its products, so as not to lose the calcium necessary in this diet) and almond flour, which works well as an addition to omelets, pancakes and desserts.
4. Olive and rapeseed oil.
The diet was developed almost 10 years ago when the "slimming" benefits of rapeseed oil were not well known. Therefore, you can successfully replace oil with the latter fat. In recent years it has been proven many times that rapeseed oil is a composition of unsaturated fatty acids in ideal proportions (in this respect it is unmatched in the world of fats). We also have irrefutable evidence that it effectively supports the fight against abdominal obesity.
5. Forest fruits, i.e. blueberries, blackberries, raspberries.
Forest fruits combine a high content of such valuable elements as magnesium, phosphorus and significant amounts of vitamin C. They normalize blood sugar levels and regulate the digestive tract.
6. Legumes.
They help to control blood sugar levels (low glycemic index), provide folic acid and iron, and a lot of fiber. Their secret weapons - present in the greatest amounts in chickpeas - include arginine, an amino acid that is involved insynthesis of growth hormone (in adults it is responsible for faster burning), and also supports the body in removing harmful metabolites. It is also essential for building muscle mass.
7. Green vegetables .
They neutralize free radicals, i.e. molecules that are believed to have a negative effect on the body and accelerate its aging. Their secret weapons are vitamins (including A, C and K), folic acid, beta-carotene, fiber, as well as calcium and magnesium. They strengthen the heart and circulatory system, and help reduce excessively high blood pressure.
8. Oatmeal (no sugar).
In the world, oatmeal is included in the superfood category, i.e. food that brings he alth benefits. They contain the fiber necessary for people on a diet (approx. 7 g in 100 g of flakes), as well as valuable beta-glucans, which contribute, among others, to to lower the level of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood. Oats are a grain rich in protein and vitamins that have a beneficial effect on mood (and thus also motivation). Research shows that eating cereals, for example in the form of porridge or homemade muesli, increases levels of substances that are beneficial to muscle building, fat burning and libido. Helps to keep sugar and cholesterol levels in check.
9. Eggs.
Eggs are low in calories (about 70 kcal each), contain wholesome protein and fill you for a long time. They are rich in well-absorbed vitamins A, D, E and K, they also contain, among others, magnesium, potassium and unsaturated fatty acids needed by the heart and other muscles. It is best to use lightly cut eggs as they are easier to digest.
10. Turkey and other lean meats and fish.
Poultry, especially turkey, is packed with nutrients and low in calories. It is a good source of, among others niacin, selenium, zinc, vitamin B6 - the deficiency of the latter may make slimming difficult, while selenium participates in the metabolism of thyroid hormones responsible for the metabolic rate. In turn, niacin supports the work of the nervous system and participates in the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
11. Peanut butter without sugar.
Ideally, peanut butter should contain at least 90% peanuts. Nuts are very rich, incl. into B vitamins responsible for the conversion of fats into energy and better use of carbohydrates. They also contain the power of unsaturated fatty acids to help you regain a he althy weight. Peanut butter is also a great alternative to unhe althy snacks such as crisps or s alty peanuts.
12. Whey protein.
Whey is a liquid,which separates after cutting the cow's milk. It is easily digestible and accelerates intestinal peristalsis. It enriches the bacterial flora in the digestive tract, and thus strengthens the immune system and the absorption of nutrients. You can buy whey protein in powder form at sports nutrition stores and add - like fresh whey - to smoothies and fruit juices.
The ABS diet: dairy comes first
Each meal should contain products from at least two food groups. In addition, even a small snack should contain some protein. People on the ABS diet not only do not count calories, but also once a week, but only for one meal they can eat whatever they want. Even a fatty pork knuckle, four mugs of beer or a pack of crisps are allowed.
Scientists say that calcium in dairy products plays a large role in fat burning. Besides, never starve yourself by drinking any beverages indefinitely. Contrary to appearances, liquids also have their calories, often more fattening than those in solid products. You definitely have to say goodbye to the whole alcohol diet. It has been proven that alcohol causes the body to burn fat by almost 40 percent. slower. Instead of alcohol, it is much better to use mineral water, green tea and skimmed milk.
Exercises in the ABS program
A beautifully sculpted belly is the result of only intense, everyday "crunches" - that's what most people visiting gyms think. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Scientists have repeatedly confirmed what they have proven, among others Brazilian scientists: 75% of losing fat and building muscle is dependent on your diet. And intensive training focused on the abdominal muscles only leads to their overload. On the other hand, when we exercise in moderation, but without applying an appropriate diet, slimming and modeling the waist area will take much more time than with a well-composed menu, which guarantees faster burning of unwanted supplies and constant muscle nourishment. And this is the shortest path to the desired goal -flat stomach . The creator of the ABS diet recommends exercising every other day for about 45 minutes. These should be exercises to strengthen all abdominal muscles (straight, oblique, transverse), i.e. popular crunches, combined with cardio training (fast marches, cycling, classes on an elliptical cross trainer and a treadmill).
The ABS diet does not require sacrifice
Zinczenko can probably fault a lot, but certainly not that he does not know what PR is. English-language website dedicated to the ABS dietbelongs to one of the most popular in America. “The diet guarantees you great physical and mental well-being. After just six weeks of use, you will notice a big difference (…) ”. But while such slogans are often wishful thinking for many other weight loss diets, many believe the ABS diet does work.
This is not a miracle diet, because the point is not to lose ten kilos by contracting ulcers or severe neurosis, but to strengthen the body and teach it nutritional discipline. And most importantly, the diet in various modifications can and should be followed for the rest of your life. "This is a diet for food lovers, not for desperate fat men," says David R. Perason, lab director at Indiana University. - Not only do you look good after it, you also feel great, you are bursting with energy.
This is confirmed by New York Giants team nutritionist Heidi Skolnik. According to him, the freshness, taste and variety of the diet mean that many people finally stop being concerned with what they eat. - Do you have any idea how many Americans are currently on a weight loss diet? asked David L. Katz, director of medical studies at Yale University. - Almost 95 percent! Over 19 percent of them, unfortunately, loses the fight against obesity and returns to the previous or even greater weight. Why is this happening? Because three-quarters of weight loss diets are too restrictive and frustrating, concludes Katz. - Forbidding food only makes matters worse, because you know that forbidden fruit tastes best. Instead of prohibiting, teach how and what to eat to get rid of excess weight with a smile on your face.
ProblemThe theory of energy balance, on which the ABS diet is based, does not really convince me. Who will calculate our current caloric demand, how much energy we have burned? These are individual things, depending on age, gender, metabolism.
The ABS diet - benefits
I like the composition of the meals. It is a low cholesterol diet with a high content of unsaturated fats (including omega-3), providing a large dose of vitamins, especially from the B group, and vit. C, A, E. I would recommend such a diet to people with cardiovascular diseases and as a cancer prophylaxis. Taking into account the composition of the ABS diet and the emphasis placed on each proportion, I believe that apart from calories, you can actually lose weight, but this applies to men, and those who exercise regularly.
ABS diet - disadvantages
Six meals a day - the regularity and amount required in the assumptions of the ABS diet is difficult to implement in practice. An addition althe way of preparation and the amount of products needed to prepare one dish (not to mention the whole day) are a difficulty.
To sum up - the ABS diet is he althy, interesting, but quite difficult to implement.
1. David Zinczenko "Diet ABS", Mada Publishing House, 2006