Dr. Hay's separate diet does not require us to count calories. Its basic principle is to separate protein from carbohydrate products. Proper combining of products is the determinant of diet success. It is also important that the dishes are fried only in olive oil or stewed and steamed. We offer recipes from which you can build a menu in Dr. Hay's diet.

Recipesoffered by theHaya Separate Dietrequire careful separation of protein and carbohydrate products. So let's make a detailed list of the three product categories to know what cannot be combined with each other. Thanks to it, you can easily compose amenu in a separate diet.

Hay's split diet: recipe for baked apple with muesli and cinnamon


  • 30 I play muesli
  • one apple
  • a teaspoon of cinnamon
  • teaspoon of brown sugar


Cut 1/3 part of the apple and remove the seeds from both parts. Inside, pour muesli mixed with cinnamon and sugar. Cover with the cut top of the apple and put in the oven preheated to 180 degrees C. Bake for about 25 minutes.

Dr. Hay's split diet: recipe for Fettuccine noodles with vegetables


  • Fettuccine wholemeal pasta (ribbons - 100 g)
  • green beans (25 g)
  • cherry tomatoes - 4 pieces
  • half a yellow pepper
  • arugula (20 g)
  • olive oil (2 tablespoons)
  • garlic clove
  • Provencal herbs


Boil the green beans and drain. Cut the cherry tomatoes into quarters and the peppers into cubes. Put the pasta in and cook it for about 15 minutes in lightly s alted water. Fry all vegetables with chopped garlic in olive oil. Then combine them with the pasta and season to taste with Provencal herbs and sprinkle with rocket.

Hay's split diet: hard-boiled egg salad recipe


  • hard-boiled egg,
  • chives,
  • lettuce,
  • tablespoon of mayonnaise,
  • peppers,
  • onion,
  • vinaigrette sauce.

Preparation:Hard-boiled egg and paprika cut into cubes. Cut the onionin thin stripes. Tear the lettuce with your fingers. Put everything in a bowl and mix. Then add a tablespoon of mayonnaise and chopped chives. Mix again. Season the salad with the vinaigrette sauce.
