Prothrombin time determines the efficiency of the extrinsic coagulation system, i.e. dependent on specific coagulation factors occurring outside the blood vessels k ...…
Read MoreResearch 2025, March
Liver tests are performed both in the prevention and diagnosis of liver diseases. Prophylactic examinations of the liver should be performed regularly ...…
Read MoreLactate dehydrogenase (LDH, LD) is an enzyme found in all blood cells. It is also one of the parameters that can be checked in the bioch test ...…
Read MoreAspartate aminotransferase (AST, GOT, AST) is an intracellular enzyme found in the liver, heart muscle, skeletal muscle, kidney ...…
Read MoreWhat is GGTP? GGTP is one of the enzymes used in the diagnosis of liver disease. What is the GGTP test? Check it out!…
Read MoreLymphocytes belong to the group of white blood cells - cells of the immune system. Should too low or too high lymphocyte counts be a concern?…
Read MoreA visit to the GP often ends with a blood count. This is one of the most popular blood tests in which, as if in a mirror ...…
Read MoreFerritin is a protein whose task is to accumulate iron, so the result obtained in a biochemical test allows you to assess the level of iron in the body. Check ...…
Read MoreHemoglobin is one of the proteins found in red blood cells. As evidenced by a low level and a high level of hemoglobin?…
Read MoreSpirometry is a painless test, does not require preparation, lasts a few minutes, and gives valuable information: it allows you to assess the work and capacity of the lungs. That's why he should ...…
Read MoreObjective and objective hearing tests should be done by everyone who experiences deterioration of hearing, and prophylactically - everyone over 50 years of age. It is necessary like this ...…
Read MoreDiarrhea is the body's defense response to an attack by toxic substances. You can protect yourself from its violent course and unpleasant consequences ...…
Read MoreTone audiometry is a hearing test method used to assess the hearing threshold. This hearing test allows you to determine the type and depth of the sensory impairment ...…
Read MoreTympanometry is a test that assesses the susceptibility of the eardrum to pressure changes in the external auditory canal (i.e. part of the outer ear ...…
Read MorePancreatic profile is blood tests that can be used to diagnose diseases of the pancreas, but not only. The pancreatic profile is also helpful in diagnosing diseases ...…
Read MoreFood poisoning is not only troublesome, but most of all it is a sign of the body's sudden reaction to harmful pathogens. The most common food poisoning ...…
Read MoreThyroid tests, the basic ones, should be done regularly. If you have symptoms that may indicate thyroid disease, see an endocrinologist ...…
Read MoreThe level of TSH is a test that allows you to initially confirm or rule out thyroid diseases. What is too high or too low TSH evidence?…
Read MoreSleepiness Scales - Epworth, Stanford, Karolińska - allow you to determine the degree of sleepiness during the day, the probability of falling asleep or falling asleep in ...…
Read MoreProlactin is a hormone secreted by the pituitary gland. What are the norms of prolactin and when to test its level?…
Read MoreMale fertility tests check if male fertility is caused by sperm problems. Some of them can be made at home so ...…
Read MoreOvulation tests (fertility tests) for women allow you to determine the fertile days in a woman's cycle, i.e. the time just before ovulation. Which ovulation tests are most effective ...…
Read MoreAcute diarrhea in children is one of the most common he alth problems in children under the age of 5. Acute diarrhea caused by ...…
Read MoreIt is suspected that the insidious HCV virus that causes hepatitis C (hepatitis C) is present in every fourth of us! It was recognized only 25 years ago ....…
Read MoreEnzymes are essential for the proper functioning of all living organisms on Earth. They participate in most, if not all, chemical transformations ...…
Read MoreGastroscopy is an examination of the upper gastrointestinal tract, which requires proper preparation. Does gastroscopy hurt?…
Read MoreEKG is done even to he althy people as a prophylaxis. This examination is very simple and can be performed outside the clinic or hospital. But is it pop ...…
Read MoreThe balance of a two-year-old is a periodic examination that assesses whether a child is developing properly and is properly nourished. The tests also enable early ...…
Read MoreGlucose is the body's main source of energy. Its blood level is regulated by insulin. Check what are the glucose norms in the blood chemistry test and what ...…
Read MoreA liver biopsy is a test to remove tissue from the liver, which is then viewed under a microscope to identify changes in the structure of cells. Thanks ...…
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