Atrial mucus is a cancer of the heart, a benign tumor that is detected more often in women than in men. On the causes of myocardial myxoma, d ...…
Read MoreOncology 2025, March
Pathomorphological examination in the case of lung cancer is designed to accurately determine the histological type and to show or exclude important - from the point of view of ...…
Read MoreColorectal cancer is one of the more insidious cancers because it develops without symptoms for a long time. Before the first symptoms appear, you can ...…
Read MoreLung cancer in the early stages is often asymptomatic. The first symptoms of lung cancer are also easy to miss or to mistake for an infection. Meanwhile, they later recognized ...…
Read MoreA precancerous condition is such a pathological change in an organ (oral cavity, esophagus, stomach and large intestine) that predisposes it to develop cancer. Performance ...…
Read MoreHello, I have some questions about melanoma. Last year I had a birthmark removed from my hand - it turned out to be early stage melanoma. I don't know how t ...…
Read MoreFamily history of neoplasms may be related to a genetic burden. Therefore, if you have a history of cancers like cancer in your family ...…
Read MoreResidual disease (or minimal residual disease MRD) is, to put it simply, everything that remains in the body after cancer treatment in ...…
Read MoreMyelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) is a group of neoplastic diseases of the hematopoietic system. Myelodysplastic syndromes are little known and are more common than leukemia ...…
Read MoreMyeloproliferative syndromes are a group of neoplastic diseases of the hematopoietic system in which there is an overproduction of one or more types of peripheral blood cells ...…
Read MoreThe incidence of cancers of the haematopoietic and lymphatic systems has increased over the last three decades. However, some patients have limited access ...…
Read MoreMyelofibrosis - bone marrow fibrosis - is the rarest of all myeloproliferative neoplasms, i.e. related to malfunctioning ...…
Read MoreMore than 6,000 patients suffer from bladder cancer each year Poles. Half of them die. All because the cancer is detected in an advanced stage of development ...…
Read MoreImmunooncology is a modern method of cancer treatment. Its purpose is to activate the body's immune system so that it can fight the cells ...…
Read MoreSquamous cell carcinoma (squamous cell carcinoma) is a group of malignant neoplasms. It can affect various organs, e.g. the skin, thyroid gland, esophagus, and their common ...…
Read MoreMelanoma is a malignant neoplasm of the skin, which is fully curable when detected at an early stage. That is why it is so important to prevent this cancer. Check if ...…
Read MoreNanoKnife IRE is a method of treating cancer. It is based on the use of an alternating electric field flowing through the target area. This process p ...…
Read MorePancoast tumor is a special form of lung cancer located at the apex of the lung and may infiltrate other chest structures outside the pleura, ...…
Read MoreTesticular seminoma is classified as a malignant neoplasm, which quickly metastasizes to retroperitoneal lymph nodes, and then to internal organs, in ...…
Read MoreProstate cancer usually affects men in their 50s. If they see a doctor early, mild therapy may be given. When they neglect ...…
Read MoreDiffuse (non-Hodgkin) large B-cell lymphoma is a type of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Of all cancers of the lymphatic system, the most commonly diagnosed ...…
Read MoreFollicular lymphoma belongs to the group of low-grade non-Hodgkin's lymphomas. Usually, it does not give any symptoms for a long time. What can testify to ...…
Read MoreHairy cell leukemia (HCL) is a rare type of chronic lymphocytic leukemia. There is no cure for leukemia, including ...…
Read MoreWaldenström's macroglobulinemia is a lymphoplasmocytic lymphoma, i.e. a cancer that originates in the lymphatic system. The disease prevents the production of enough l ...…
Read MoreChronic Myelomonotic Leukemia (CMML) is a rare, chronic neoplastic disease of the haematopoietic system. It is counted ...…
Read MoreThe Philadelphia chromosome arises as a result of a spontaneous mutation that occurs randomly. The discovery of the Philadelphia chromosome was the first ever m ...…
Read MoreFibrosarcoma is a spindle cell malignant neoplasm originating from fibroblasts. It can appear as a soft tissue tumor or as a tumor ...…
Read MoreChronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML) is a neoplastic disease of the haematopoietic system with chronic ...…
Read MoreNeurofibromatosis is a benign tumor or nodule occurring in both type I and II neurofibromatosis. Usually plural, pow ...…
Read MoreGenetic testing is becoming increasingly important in cancer prevention. If your medical history shows that your family has a history of cancer, ...…
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