Chocolate improves mood, gives energy thanks to carbohydrates and caffeine, improves concentration thanks to pyrazine, and also provides a large dose of magnesium. Sometimes it is worth reaching for it and trying out our recipes for chocolate desserts.

Native American lovers' chocolate drink recipe

Ingredients: 500 ml milk, 125 ml sweet cream (36%), 100 g darkchocolate , 2 teaspoons powdered sugar,
1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon, 2 pinches of chilli.
Preparation: Pour the milk and cream into a saucepan, slowly bring to the boil while heating. Add chocolate, cinnamon, sugar and chilli crushed into small pieces. Heat for about 10 minutes more, making sure the chocolate does not boil over. The drink can be served immediately after preparation, but will be more aromatic if it is chilled and then warmed up before serving.

Recipe for a chocolate delicacy by Samuel Pepys

Ingredients: 1 l of milk, 10 grams of dark chocolate, 100 ml of cream, 2 egg yolks, sugar to taste.
Preparation: Crush the chocolate, mix with a few tablespoons of warm milk and melt over low heat. Boil the rest of the milk and combine with the chocolate. When it is slightly cool, slowly add the cream and egg yolks, whisking vigorously with a whisk. Add sugar to taste.DessertServe immediately.

Pasta with chocolate - Italian madness

Ingredients: 25 grams of flour, 100 gramscocoano sugar (e.g. Wedel), two tablespoons of vanilla sugar, 4 yolks and 2 proteins, possibly a pinch of cinnamon. For the sauce: 1/2 cup chopped hazelnuts, 4 tablespoons sweet cream, 3 tablespoons honey.
Preparation: Mix flour, cocoa and sugar. Sift through a sieve onto the pastry board. Add lightly beaten egg yolks and egg white and knead the dough. Once it's very hard, add a teaspoon of warm water. Roll out thinly and cut into ribbons approx. 1 cm wide. Put it in boiling water (no s alt added!) And cook for about 3 minutes. Filter through - to keep the ribbons from sticking together, you can add half a teaspoon of butter. Prepare the sauce by mixing all the ingredients. Pour over the pasta and serve - you can eat it hot or cold.

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