Calorie table - alcohol is a convenient source of information for those who would like to lose weight, but are not convinced to give up hard drinks. Unfortunately, alcohol contains a lot of calories, and in addition they are mostly "empty", ie those that do not carry any nutrients. Do you know how many calories (kcal) a bottle of beer, a glass of sweet wine or fifty pure vodka have? Please refer to the alcohol calories table.
How many calories does alcohol contain?It's just that people who are slimming should enter it on the list of prohibited or at least inadvisable products. Vodka is the most calorific, wine and beer are less - see the detailedalcohol calories table !
How many calories (kcal) does beer have?
According to the data of The Brewers of Europe, an international organization gathering the largest brewing units in Europe, in 2015 Poland was in the third place in the ranking of the largest European beer producers and consumers on the Old Continent. Undoubtedly, we like this percentage drink very much, but is it right -how many calories does beer have ?
It turns out that when it comes to caloric content, beer is not at the forefront of alcohol, contrary to popular opinion. Moreover, it contains fewer calories than some types of wine. Typically, however, the caloric content of wine is expressed in terms of a 120-milliliter glass, and beer - in a larger, at least 250-milliliter bottle. A small bottle of light whole beer (0.33 l) has 162 kcal, and a small bottle of full dark beer - 224 kcal. A large bottle (500 ml) of light beer is 245 kcal, and dark beer - 340 kcal. For comparison, the most caloric sweet white wine in one glass (120 ml) contains 114 kcal.
The main factor responsible for the calorific value of beer is m alt, which contains sugar in various forms. It is also worth remembering that the golden drink also contains B vitamins: thiamine, riboflavin, niacin and vitamin B12.
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How many calories (kcal) does wine have?
How many calories does wine have?A glass of dry red wine (120 ml) contains 82 kcal, a similar amount of calories is found in dry white wine (79 kcal / 120 ml), while in semi-dry white wine we find 97 kcal, and in red semi-sweet - 105 kcal. Sweet wines are the most calorific - white wines contain 112 kcal / 120 ml, and sweet red - 128 kcal / 120 ml.
It is also worth remembering that wine, consumed in moderate amounts, thanks to the content of antioxidants, lowers cholesterol and helps fight infections, facilitates digestion and provides the body with minerals - calcium, potassium and magnesium.
How many calories (kcal) does vodka have?
How many calories does vodka have?A lot - there is 110 kcal in a glass (50 ml) of pure vodka. What's more, while in beer and wine, apart from empty calories, we find nutrients and vitamins, there is no point in looking for them in vodka.
Vodkas made from non-rectified distillates are also very caloric, i.e. rum - 30 ml contains 69 kcal and whiskey - 87 kcal in 35 ml.
Calorie table (kcal) - alcohol
Type of alcohol | Number of calories |
bottle of light beer 0.33 l | 162 kcal |
bottle of light beer 0.5 l | 245 kcal |
bottle of dark beer 0.33 l | 224 kcal |
0.5 l full dark beer bottle | 340 kcal |
cider 240 ml | 112 kcal |
ginger beer 240 ml | 95 kcal |
Redd's Apple beer 500 ml | 270 kcal |
Somersby Apple Cider 500 ml | 270 kcal |
glass of dry red wine 120 ml | 82 kcal |
glass of semi-sweet red wine 120 ml | 105 kcal |
glass of sweet red wine 120 ml | 128 kcal |
glass of dry white wine 120 ml | 79 kcal |
glass of semi-dry white wine 120 ml | 97 kcal |
glass of sweet white wine 120 ml | 114 kcal |
glass of dry vermouth 120 ml | 114 kcal |
glass of sweet vermouth 120 ml | 186 kcal |
glass of mulled wine 120 ml | 80 kcal |
champagne 100 ml | 76 kcal |
glass of pure vodka 50 ml | 110kcal |
glass of rum 30 ml | 69 kcal |
glass of cognac 50 ml | 140 kcal |
glass of whiskey 35 ml | 87 kcal |
glass of gin 40 ml | 105 kcal |
anise 40 ml | 136 kcal |
drink mojito 70 ml | 190 kcal |
drink cosmopolitan 100 ml | 89 kcal |
drink piña colada 150 ml | 220 kcal |

Author: Time S.A
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Find out moreWorth knowingIf you do not want to give up alcohol while on a diet, stick to small amounts of beer or wine, but definitely give up drinks. The combination of high-calorie vodka and carbonated drinks full of sugar creates a real caloric bomb.
It is worth adding, however, that the Food and Nutrition Institute strongly advises against alcohol consumption. Although beer and wine contain vitamins and nutrients, it is better to look for them in other products. Alcohol can contribute to many serious diseases: acute and chronic pancreatitis, liver cirrhosis and cancer, including esophageal cancer, gastric cancer, colorectal cancer. In the case of breast cancer, even a small amount of alcohol increases the risk of developing it.
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