Slimming pills are supposed to support slimming. How and do they work at all? What ingredients do diet pills contain? Which slimming pills should you choose to effectively support your weight loss?
Slimming pills , designed to facilitate slimming, have been a great hit in recent years. They are full of them not only on pharmacy shelves, but also in he alth food stores, hypermarkets and bazaars. And on the Internet, diet pills offer many pages.
Where does the fashion for diet pills?
The fashion fordiet pillscomes from the misconception that "slimming pills" can work miracles. We want to believe that they will slim down without any effort or yo-yo effect. Meanwhile, just swallowing diet pills is not enough. In order to achieve the dream result, it is necessary to limit food and increase physical activity. If you reduce the number of calories, add a little exercise, then it makes sense to use slimming pills, e.g. preparations that accelerate fat burning. Or maybe better means that inhibit the absorption of fats and carbohydrates?
Diet pills: fat burning ingredients
- CLA - Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) is one of the fatty acids. Numerous studies on this compound have not brought an unequivocal answer to the question of the mechanism of CLA's action on adipose tissue. The most popular hypothesis is that CLA blocks the action of an enzyme that allows triglycerides to penetrate into adipose tissue and, as a result, lead to its growth. It has also been proven that CLA enhances the use of fatty acids in the thermogenesis process. The fat burning effect is greater when we regularly play sports, which is why CLA is recommended for physically active people.
- L-carnitine - is a compound synthesized in the body by the liver. It is made of two amino acids that are supplied with food. The mechanism of action of L-carnitine is based on enabling the passage of the ingested fatty acids into the cells, where the energy needed for the functioning of the body is produced. As a result, L-carnitine provides energy mainly to working muscles, which is why it is especially recommended for people who regularly practice sports. Since the energy obtained comes from fatty acids, L-Carnitinein addition, the level of cholesterol in the blood. Like CLA, L-carnitine is found in meat (Latin for carnis - meat) and milk.
- HCA - Hydroxycitric acid is a compound obtained from Asian fruits called Garcinia cambodgia. In India, it is known as a "fat eater" - it inhibits the formation of adipose tissue from the consumed proteins and carbohydrates. This is because HCA blocks the enzyme that enables the production of triglycerides, cholesterol and fatty acids (these are stored as body fat). Proteins saved in this way increase muscle mass, and carbohydrates (stored as glycogen in the liver and muscles) affect the brain, suppressing the appetite.
- Ephedrine - obtained from dried young branches of the Ephedra sinica plant. By affecting the brain, ephedrine stimulates, increases physical activity and neuromuscular efficiency. It also raises blood pressure. Its slimming effect is based on the stimulation of heat production by the body at the expense of fat burning.
- Caffeine - very often combined with ephedrine in various preparations. It works by extending the effects of ephedrine, as well as stimulating the body and increasing physical efficiency. It is obtained from coffee beans or from the more and more popular plant Paulinia guarana (also known as guarana), which contains four times more caffeine than coffee beans. When using ephedrine and caffeine (both of these substances are popular so-called fat burners, i.e. fat burners), you should be especially careful because they are very easy to overdose. It leads to many undesirable effects (heart disorders, excessive increase in pressure, anxiety, irritability, anxiety, as well as gastrointestinal symptoms, rash). For this reason, preparations with caffeine and ephedrine are not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, children, the elderly, with cardiovascular diseases and caffeine intolerance.
Diet pills: ingredients limiting absorption
- Chitosan (chitin) - obtained from the shells of sea crustaceans, it is a polysaccharide that our digestive tract cannot digest. The structure resembles cellulose, i.e. fiber. Chitosan binds fat on its surface, which is not digested and absorbed, but excreted from the body. Therefore, when taking chitosan, be sure to ingest fat-soluble vitamins (i.e. A, D, E, K). Chitosan additionally reduces the absorption of carbohydrates in the intestines, which is why it is especially recommended for people who have difficulty restricting the consumption of bread, pasta,sweets.
- Beanolamine - bean extract, blocks the enzyme in the digestive tract, which is responsible for the breakdown of starch (found in large amounts in bread, potatoes, cereal and flour products) to simple sugars. In this way, the starch becomes non-digestible and, as a consequence, it does not accumulate in the adipose tissue. Beanamine is recommended mainly to people who cannot give up their favorite flour products.
- Fiber - food absorbs water, thanks to which it swells in the digestive tract, reducing the feeling of hunger. It is not digested, but it facilitates bowel movements and regulates the bowel rhythm. At the same time, it stabilizes the concentration of glucose and lowers the level of cholesterol. There is not enough fiber in a reduced calorie diet, so supplementation is needed. Warning! When using tablet or powdered fiber, you should drink a lot - at least 2 liters a day.
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