Wondering whether to start exercising and what training would be the best for you? Do you need a really solid motivation? Pay attention to the signals your body is sending out. Overweight, stress, lack of energy, backache - these are the most common signs that your body is demanding more exercise. See what symptoms indicate you should start exercising.

1. Start exercising if you are overweight

Being overweight is not only an aesthetic problem. A large amount of adipose tissue is a serious burden for the body. Each additional kilogram increases the risk of diseases such as hypertension, atherosclerosis, 2nd degree diabetes, and even cancer. If you do not act on time, excess weight may turn into obesity that is difficult to heal. Cardio exercises work best in reducing body fat. If you use interval training, you will lose kilos even faster.

Fat reduction training - training plan for beginners

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Interval training - running for women

2. Start exercising, you are tired after going to the second floor

Going up the stairs to the second floor makes you breathless? This is a sign that you absolutely need to work on your condition. Fitness is also known as physical performance and it increases with regular exercise of more than 15 minutes. The more you exercise, the stronger your heart becomes and the more it can bear more stress.

To improve your condition, do exercises that increase your heart rate to 70-80% of your maximum heart rate (calculated using the formula: HRmax=220 - age). Bet on sports such as running, swimming, cycling, skipping rope, roller skates, stepper.

3. Start exercising if you don't fit into your favorite clothes

If your blouse, which not so long ago fit you well, is too tight today, it means that you should start exercising as soon as possible. Regular workouts will allow you to return to your former figure and strengthen your muscles.

In body shaping, the most effective combination of cardio and strength exercises. Start with a warm-up, and then do exercises for individual parts of the body that you would like to slim down: arms, stomach, buttocks,thighs, back, chest. At the end of the training cycle, go for a run or ride a bike. Don't forget about stretching and calming exercises.

4. Start exercising if you don't have enough energy

A sedentary lifestyle causes the body to lack oxygen and fatigue faster. Regular physical activity, especially in the open air, ensures that the blood is better supplied with oxygen and effectively supplies it to all tissues of the body. The efficiency of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems improves, internal organs work more efficiently. As a result, you feel better and have more energy.

5. Start exercising if your cholesterol is too high

Excess cholesterol is a problem that is starting to affect even young people. The reason is poor diet and lack of exercise. To lower the level of bad LDL cholesterol and increase the level of good HDL, it is enough to start exercising systematically. It doesn't have to be heavy strength training or running until you drop. It is worth following a simple scheme recommended by doctors: 3 x 30 x 130. It means training 3 times a week for 30 minutes with a heart rate above 130 beats per minute. After about 3 months of exercise, your results should noticeably improve.

6. Start exercising if you struggle with high blood pressure

Hypertension is another, next to cholesterol problems, a disease caused by an inappropriate lifestyle. In the treatment of this ailment, the best results are achieved by calm, steady aerobic exercises: walking, jogging, cycling, Nordic walking, swimming, dancing. With hypertension, exercise carefully, without sudden jerks. Exercise should be moderate and your heart rate should not exceed 120 beats per minute.

7. Start exercising if your spine hurts

Repetitive back pain is a signal that the paraspinal muscles are weak and overloaded. The only solution is to strengthen the spine with exercise. However, before you start exercising on your own, make sure that the pains are not the result of degeneration or posture defects. If the doctor finds no contraindications, you can start practicing yoga or swimming - these two disciplines are especially recommended to make your spine more flexible and strengthen. Pain relief should also be provided by exercises on a gym ball.

8. Start exercising if your skin is losing its plumpness

Even slim women can struggle with the problem of flabby skin lacking firmness. In part, this is due to a poor diet, but a lack of exercise also has a big impact. The thighs, buttocks, arms and abdomen are primarily exposed to the loss of firmness. You will make them more flexible by exercising regularly - effortphysical activity stimulates the production of collagen, which is responsible for the proper tension of the skin.

9. Start exercising if you have cellulite

Studies show that cellulite occurs in over 80% of women. If it is very large and visible, it can become the source of many complexes.

Physical activity plays a huge role in reducing cellulite: it reduces the amount of subcutaneous fat, eliminates puffiness, helps to remove toxins from the body and makes the skin elastic. The best results in the fight against cellulite are brought by exercises involving the muscles of the buttocks, thighs and abdomen. If you struggle with cellulite on your arms, choose dumbbell training.

See: DANCE - types. What kind of dance to choose for yourself?

10. Start exercising if you are stressed

Under the influence of stressful situations, the body releases the so-called stress hormones - adrenaline and cortisol. If you don't exercise on a daily basis, these substances accumulate in your body and have a bad effect on your well-being. Regular training will help you release the accumulated tension and free yourself from negative emotions.

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11. Start exercising if you can't sleep

Even though you are tired after a whole day, you have trouble falling asleep? Incorporate a mandatory dose of exercise into your daily routine. Train in the evenings to tire your muscles and oxygenate your body - then you will feel like sleeping faster, it will also be deeper and you will rest better.

12. Start exercising if you are often in a bad mood

Exercise has a beneficial effect on our well-being. They not only reduce stress levels, but also affect the production of endorphins - happiness hormones. If you have gloomy thoughts, are often irritable or sad, start playing sports. By focusing on the set goal, you will forget about everyday problems and responsibilities, and at the end of the training you will feel joy and satisfaction from a job well done.
