How to lose weight quickly? In a month's wedding, in 2 weeks we have to fit into a party dress or look good in a bikini. We advise on how to lose weight. You need an effective diet, determination and discipline. Find out what diets will help you lose weight quickly.
How to lose weight quicklyso that you can jump up to size within two weeks, preferably two? Drastic measures must be taken.Lose weight quicklyyou can use sharp and effective diets that are not the he althiest. However, if you shorten the time to undergo a low-calorie regimen or a menu restricted to one group of products, you can protect yourself from complications. Read our guide on how to lose weight quickly.
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How to lose weight quickly - an extreme solution
If you don't know how to lose weight quickly, one way to do this is to eat a very low calorie diet of 1000 and fewer calories. If we choose this variant of the quick weight loss method, it is best to reach for mixtures prepared by dietitians - cocktails, soups, drinks, and even porridge and bars. With a low calorie content, they provide a lot of minerals and vitamins, which makes them safer than a very low-calorie diet of their own composition.
Will this diet help you lose weight quickly? This type of nutrition quickly forces the body to reach for reserves and provokes rapid weight loss. Another way to lose weight quickly can be the Cambridge diet or the light diet. It is best to do this under the guidance of a dietitian who will respond appropriately if it is difficult for us to endure a drastic diet.
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How to lose weight quickly - Dukan's diet
Dukan's protein diet has many opponents. But one thing cannot be denied - in the first phase, which lasts 10-14 days, we lose kilograms instantly - those who want to lose weight quickly often choose it. Therefore, if someone wants to lose weight quickly, he can use the advice of a French doctor. The rules of the diet are simple: no carbohydrates. For two weeks we forget about bread, pasta, potatoes, legumes, vegetables and fruit. No sweets or alcohol,and even fruit juices.
Dukan's diet recommendations: we eat lean meat - preferably turkey and fish, but you can also eat lean veal, seafood and lean beef. Lean white cheeses and natural yoghurts are allowed, as well as egg white. We eat warm meals steamed, grilled or baked. In addition, a minimum of 1.5 l of liquids, mostly water, but you can also use bitter tea, coffee and herbal teas.
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How To Lose Weight Quickly - The Copenhagen Diet
The Copenhagen diet is also recommended for those who want to lose weight quickly. The basis of the diet is also lean meat, but here small amounts of vegetables and one fruit per day are allowed. Zero bread, pasta, sweets, potatoes. Meal times are important during the Copenhagen Diet - breakfast until eight, lunch at 2 p.m. and dinner at the latest at 6 p.m. No snacking between meals, but plenty of drinking - water, unsweetened tea and coffee, herbal teas. It is said that the record holders were able to lose 15 kg in 13 days in this way: you can lose weight quickly. It is good to take a vitamin and mineral supplement during the Dukan diet and the Copenhagen diet.
How to lose weight quickly - cabbage diet
The cabbage diet is also a sure-fire way to lose weight quickly. Its basis is cabbage soup, cooked with a head of cabbage, 6 onions, 2 green peppers and 1 red or yellow pepper, 6 tomatoes and a bunch of celery. For this spices. Crush the vegetables, fry them in a tablespoon of oil, then put them in a pot, pour water (so that the vegetables are thoroughly covered) and cook until tender. Cabbage soup is a staple of the diet, but you can also eat light paddy rice meals with steamed vegetables and raw vegetables plus one fruit a day (just not a banana). On the fifth and sixth days of the diet, lean poultry and beef are also allowed. The cabbage diet also works for quick weight loss.
According to an expertAleksandra Żyłowska, dieticianFast diet=yo-yo effect
Fast and he althy weight loss does not exist.Any drastic diet regime is practically a yo-yo effect. This is what nature has programmed us to do. Too little caloric diet is a clear signal for the body that worse times are ahead and that you need to defend yourself. Metabolism slows down so that the organs use as little energy as possible. After returning to normal food, the body more than recovers and stores fat to have reserves for the next period of hunger, which, according to the rhythm of nature, will surely come. Certain mechanisms of the body's functioning have not changed, even though people's lifestyles have changeddrastically. Now we have full access to food at almost any time of the day or night. Our ancestors alternated between "fat and lean" periods. They are inherited by defense mechanisms that nothing can change. In addition, usually after diets a miracle comes back to bad eating habits, and it is impossible to maintain the effects of weight loss by eating unreasonably.
Every diet below 1200 kcal is a deficiency diet. With such a small amount of food, it is impossible to provide the right portions of nutrients, vitamins and minerals that the body needs about 60 to function properly. Prolonged use of low-calorie diets based on a few or even one ingredient is a guarantee of a deterioration in the quality of life. We are dealing then with a decrease in concentration, slowing down of thought processes, stress on the heart, kidneys and liver, hair loss, brittle nails and deterioration of the skin condition. The effects of drastic weight loss in a short time can be many more. Often this process is accompanied by sagging skin that cannot be absorbed enough.
It is also worth noting that the spectacular results of losing weight in a short time are mostly the loss of water from the body, not the fat tissue, which is the real problem. When following a very restrictive diet, the body uses up all of the glycogen stores from the muscles and liver. 1 g of glycogen binds 3-4 g of water. So, along with glycogen, we get rid of a large amount of water.
It should be remembered that weight usually increases over several years and the effects of a poor diet cannot be reversed within a month.