Protein is one of the essential nutrients and builds muscle tissue. That is why a protein diet is associated with bodybuilders. In turn, a diet low in protein has a negative impact on our muscles - it makes them flaccid and weaken.
Proteinsin our dailydietthere shouldn't be a lot. It is enough that they will constitute approx. 10-15 percent. all the nutrients that we provide to the body every day.High-protein dietis recommended for bodybuildersbecause it increases muscle mass. It is also a good solution for those who decided to change their eating habits.
Protein is the basic nutrient - essential in our diet
Proteins , apart from carbohydrates and fats, is one of the basic nutrients. They perform a number of building functions in the body, they are components of hormones, various transporters, enzymes. In a he althy diet, along with food, you should provide the body with 10-15 percent. proteins. They come from lean meat, fish, eggs, milk, cheese, cottage cheese and legumes, but there are he alth situations where minor modifications are made, reducing the fat, carbohydrate and higher protein content. A high-protein diet is used in such ailments and diseases as: liver cirrhosis, nephrotic syndrome, impaired digestion and absorption syndrome, in tuberculosis and fatigue, diabetes, chronic circulatory failure, hyperthyroidism and in postoperative conditions. They are sometimes also suggested to people who want to reduce their body weight. A diet rich in protein, in combination with carbohydrates, is also recommended for people who undertake physical activity (bodybuilders, athletes). After all, their effect is to increase the mass of muscle tissue. However, in any case, remember to consult your doctor or dietitian about the use of a high-protein diet. Limiting the consumption of proteins in your daily diet is a very common dietary mistake. Especially ladies are afraid that they will lead to the growth of muscles. Meanwhile, the endocrine system does not predispose women to significantly develop their muscles without proper strength training and additional supplementation with special protein preparations. So you have nothing to fear, you can only gain -firming the figure. Proteins build muscle tissue. But it is worth remembering that muscles serve us not only to move in space - a diet low in protein has a negative impact on, for example, appearance. This is the case with the facial muscles, which simply weaken and go limp without the right dose of protein.
Protein in the diet and the increase in muscle mass
Gentlemen who dream of a muscular figure should remember that in order to build muscle, in addition to protein, they need foods rich in carbohydrates. Too limited intake of carbohydrates leads to the situation of using protein as a source of energy for the work of muscles during physical exercise. So when you want to do strength training to develop your muscles, remember about the carbohydrates contained in pasta, rice, groats, etc. Without them, the body will not use the large amounts of protein. The optimal ratio is 1: 3 (100g of protein + 300g of carbohydrates daily).
A diet rich in protein and slimming
How is it possible that by following a high-protein diet, we can cause weight loss? Protein in the diet promotes the release of growth hormone, which helps to burn fat. By consuming wholesome proteins in large amounts with food, we accelerate our metabolism - even by a dozen or so percent! Therefore, a low-calorie diet, consisting of eating large amounts of protein: 2-2.5 g per kilogram of body weight, of fats: 1-1.5 g per kilogram of body weight, and carbohydrates: 4-4.5 g, can help in the treatment of overweight. / kg body weight. Prepare meat dishes without frying processes. Instead, boil them in water, steam them, stew them, and bake them without fat in aluminum foil. Remember that a high-protein diet is conducive to constipation, and if you reduce fat drastically - it can lead to vitamin deficiencies in the body.
ImportantWe can lose weight by eating 4 meals a day:
- high-protein breakfast with a small amount of brown bread (cottage cheese paste, lean sausage, butter)
- the second breakfast should consist of low-energy products (e.g. vegetables)
- dinner consisting of a portion of meat, fish or eggs and an unlimited amount of low-calorie vegetables (we can also prepare the main dish of the day every few days with lentils, beans or soybeans)
- dinner - dairy products and vegetables supports safe treatment and a dignified life of people suffering from obesity. This article does not contain discriminatory and stigmatizing content of people suffering from obesity.