If you want to lose a few pounds, you need to eat less calories. And the number of calories supplied to the body depends, among other things, on on the way food is prepared. Learn a few tricks that make losing weight easier.

Effortless slimming: roast meat and fish in your sleeve

With this method you can bake ( fat-free !) Delicious fish, meat, as well as peppers or stuffed tomatoes. You can buy a special transparent foil forbakingin the store. It should be in the form of a sleeve. For example, you put salmon fillets sprinkled with lemon juice and rosemary, or a chicken breast covered with tomato slices. Then the ends of the sleeve need to be pinned together and put into a preheated oven. After approx. 15 minutes, the salmon is ready. The chicken takes 20-30 minutes.

Effortless slimming: wok frying

It is a deep frying pan, in which the dishes are fried briefly and with a small addition of fat - a teaspoon of olive oil is enough. For frying to actually take a few minutes, the meat and vegetables must be cut into the same size pieces. The products are placed on the hot wok in a specific order. First spices (e.g. ginger, garlic, oregano), then pieces of meat (poultry, fish), finally vegetables, starting with the hardest (e.g. carrots before zucchini). Keep mixing while adding more products. High temperature shortens the frying time. As a result, the ingredients of the dish do not absorb fat.

Slimming - how to lose weight in spring? [TOWIDEO]


Vegetables al dente

Vegetables are best eaten raw, but not all of them can be eaten. If you cook them warm, make them al dente, i.e. semi-hard. Cook it by steaming or in as little water as possible and little shredding. Then the body uses their fibers better, and the vegetables do not lose valuable vitamins.

Losing weight without effort: you lose weight while sleeping

This is not a joke. Each kilogram of muscle burns around 150-200 kcal a day, even when you are sleeping. And a good, long sleep is especially important for people struggling with overweight, because the body draws energy almost exclusively from body fat when resting. But for the effects ofweight lossto be visible, you need to get tired during the day, i.e. train and strengthen your muscles, because they are the largest recipient of this energy.

Water -your ally in weight loss

When you lose weight, toxins stored in adipose tissue begin to be released. To flush them out of the body, drink about 2 liters of water a day. Only people with cardiovascular problems or bad kidneys need to control their fluid intake.

Beware of fruit - not all of them help you lose weight

They are an excellent source of vitamins and do not contain fat, but they do fatten! Choose those that have a low glycemic index. And at least in the first phase of losing weight, limit their consumption, e.g. to two apples a day.
