You're going back to work soon, but you still want to feed your baby with your milk? Nothing difficult, all you need to do is express breast milk with the help of a breast pump. We advise on how to do it and how to properly store food.
Beforebreast pumpandpumpingwith its help they became commonplace, nursing mothers had a problem - they could not go to the cinema or arrange things at the office, because somewhere in the back of their heads they were aware that there was a child waiting at home, who would need to be given a breast. Not to mention the situation where they wanted to continue breastfeeding after returning to work after maternity leave. Fortunately, today you can buy breast pumps and storage accessories at any baby store. It is enough to express the milk from the breast and leave it to the nanny or grandma with simple instructions on how to warm it up and at what time to give it to the baby.
Feeding your baby expressed milk - what will you need?
Start with shopping. If you don't already have a breast pump, getting back to work soon is a good excuse to buy one. In stores you will find various models - manual and electric. Both types work in the same way: after applying a special plastic sheath to the breast, the food is sucked out by the negative pressure generated in the breast pump. Manual breast pumps are cheaper and easier to use. However, they have a significant disadvantage - pumping is tiring, because you have to rhythmically, for at least several minutes, press a special pump with your hand.Electric breast pumpsare much more expensive, but more effective, because they allow you to express more milk faster. The high suction power of electric breast pumps can also be their disadvantage - inexperienced users have accidents in the form of a torn nipple. You can also rent a breast pump (ask at the lactation clinic for this option), you only need to buy a breast shield for it. If you decide to buy it, it is better to choose the model that fits as many accessories as possible - bottles, bags for storing food, etc. You will also need teats (adapted to the age of the child), a special brush for washing bottles and a warmer.
How do I express my baby's milk?
Be prepared for the fact that - especially at the beginning - pumping milk will not be easy and may take a long time, even up to20 minutes. Until you get into practice, use the breast pump while your little one is asleep so that you can concentrate only on what you are doing. Before you start, have everything you need ready - a freshly sterilized breast pump, a bottle or bag for storing milk, drinking water. Then wash your breasts and hands. To stimulate lactation, you can drink a glass of warm drink, put a warm compress on your breasts or just think about your baby. A gentle massage of both breasts also helps; the movements should resemble stroking. Apply the breast pump to the breast according to the instructions on the package, so that the nipple is in a special hole. Start pumping with minimal suction, gradually increasing the power of the breast pump. At first, pumping may be a bit painful, so it is worth getting a special ointment for cracked nipples.
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What to keep your expressed milk in?
Expressed milk can be poured into a bottle, a carefully washed glass vessel with a lid or a plastic food container. Special disposable food bags are the most practical. Their disadvantage is that they only fit the pumps of the same company. The advantage - convenience, because they can store measured portions of milk, in quantities sufficient for one feeding. Before use, make sure they are sterile (this information should be on the packaging). Write the date and time of expressing the breast milk and its volume on the container or bag.
Where to store your expressed breast milk?
Food should be stored properly. As? It depends on how long you leave the house and… on the weather. Even if you are only gone for 2-3 hours, do not leave the milk in the bottle on the table on hot days. Theoretically, it can stand at room temperature for 8-12 hours, but it's better not to risk it. Female food spoils faster than cow's milk from a carton, because it is not pasteurized. In hot weather, this process is faster because bacteria multiply faster. The extracted portion of milk from the breast is best placed in the refrigerator or in a cooling bag with replaceable inserts (the so-called refrigerator). If you stock up on milk, for example, because you want to go back to work full-time, it's best to freeze it in the freezer of the refrigerator (where it can stay for up to 2 weeks) or in the freezer (it will be good for a year).
How to defrost and feed your baby expressed milk?
Chilled or frozen milk can be thawed or heated only in a water bath at a temperature of up to 50 ° C. It must not be boiled, heated in a microwave oven or directly in a pot, because it can be inthus destroying valuable vitamins and trace elements. After defrosting, the food can be stored in the refrigerator for 24 hours, for premature babies - up to 9 hours. The thawed one must not be re-frozen. Before giving the milk to the baby, check its temperature by pouring a few drops on the wrist. If the child does not drink the entire dose, throw the rest away. It is also better not to mix milk expressed at different times.