The OXY diet is a new protein diet, the principles of which are similar to those of the Dukan diet. However, the OXY diet has been improved by specialists, thanks to which - according to its authors - it does not adversely affect the body in the same way as the protein diet by a defamed dietitian. What is the OXY diet? How much weight can you lose on it? And most importantly - is the OXY diet safe for he alth?
The OXY dietis a three-phase weight loss system, thanks to which, as the creators of the diet argue, you can effectively lose unnecessary kilograms (even 15 kg!) In 3 weeks. As we learn from the official website:, through which you can buy a ready-made menu, the oxy diet "is based on the classic protein diet, but has been improved by our experts. Thanks to this, it does not damage the kidneys and liver [which is the accusation of the Dukan diet - ed. . ed.], and its use improves the general condition of the body and well-being ".
The OXY diet: what is it?
The OXYdiet consists of three different phases, each of which lasts 7 days. Throughout the diet, the basis of the menu is the antioxidant-rich OXY Shake, which consists of cranberry fruit, kefir and wheat bran.
According to the authors of the diet, OXY Shake, drunk regularly, is to remove toxins from the body, clean the urinary tract, and thus - neutralize the side effects of a protein diet, such as: fatigue, heaviness, decline in form, problems with defecation, kidney and liver problems.
It is worth knowing that cranberry stimulates metabolism, and thus - supports the weight loss process. All thanks to the fact that it contains substances that are involved in removing toxins from the body. During the slimming treatment, it is best to reach for raw cranberries, which in 100 g contain only about 46 kcal.
OXY diet: stage one - fat burning
The goal of the first stage of the OXY diet is to burn fat quickly. Therefore, the menu of a slimming person is dominated by animal protein, which, when given in the right amount, intensively accelerates fat burning and at the same time does not cause side effects characteristic of protein overdose, i.e., for example, metabolism disorders, atherosclerotic changes, and will not burdenvital organs, such as the liver and kidneys.
OXY diet: stage two - step
The aim of the second stage of the OXY diet is to consolidate the obtained effects. In the second week of the diet, vegetable protein is included in the menu. According to the creators of the diet, the correct ratio of vegetable to animal protein should be 50:50.
OXY diet: third stage - balance
It is a phase of stabilization of the entire weight loss process, which is to protect the person who is slimming against the yo-yo effect. As the creators of the diet argue, at this stage of weight loss, the content of carbohydrates, proteins and fats is adequate in relation to the standards recommended by the Food and Nutrition Institute.
GOOD TO KNOW: Protein diet. Foods You Can Eat While on a Protein Diet - RECIPES
The protein content is 15-20% of the total energy value of the diet, and its amount ranges from 65-70 g - which is as much as the daily allowance for an average adult.
ImportantConsult your doctor or nutritionist before switching to the OXY diet!
As emphasized by the administrators of the website "the website is not a source of medical knowledge, therefore it is recommended to consult a doctor or dietitian before using the advice contained therein, who should assess the risks associated with compliance with information contained on the Website by specific Users ". Moreover, "none of the information contained in the Program is medical advice and may not be treated as a substitute for a visit to these specialists."
Therefore, if the doctor confirms that there are any contraindications to the use of the OXY diet, it should be abandoned.

Read also:
- Protein diet for muscle mass? Protein-rich food helps sculpt muscles
- Protein diet or an effective slimming diet. What allows you to eat a protein diet?
- Dukan's diet harms the kidneys, liver and brain. Is it worth tormenting the Dukan diet?
OXY diet - is it he althy?
The first stage of the OXY diet is very similar to the Dukan diet, condemned not only by nutritionists but also by doctors, as it is based only on animal protein.
The second stage of the OXY diet has been changed by adding vegetable protein. Due to the fact that the consumption of proteins alone has been limited to only 2 weeks, the risk that they cause side effects is negligible.
Besides, the third stage of the diet is not - as its creators argue - a dietprotein, only a he althy, balanced diet, because it provides the right amount of all the nutrients that are necessary to meet your nutritional needs.
- Slimming diet - 10 commandments to lose weight wisely
So what are the disadvantages of the OXY diet? Nutritionists agree that the rapid weight loss at the beginning of the diet is not the result of burning unnecessary fat, but of glycogen - sugar, stored in the liver and skeletal muscles. Only after about 2 weeks of the diet, the body slowly begins to burn fat.
Therefore, any quick diet, and this is what the OXY diet is, carries a huge risk of the yo-yo effect after its completion.
This will be useful to youOXY diet - is it effective?
As we find out from the OXY diet regulations "The administrator does not guarantee that the product will not cause any side effects to the User. We also do not guarantee that the User will achieve the effects given in the Program. The multitude of factors affecting weight loss causes that Users can achieve various effects.
In view of the above, the Administrator does not provide any guarantee that the result specified in the Website and Product will be achieved. The user may lose weight, but does not have to. "
OXY diet - contraindications
- pregnancy and lactation
- kidney and liver disease
- gastric and duodenal ulcers
- presence of kidney stones
- diabetes
- intolerances and food allergies to protein (e.g. allergy to cow's milk protein)
- elevated liver test values (ALT, AST), creatinine levels
- nutritional deficiencies identified
- anemia
- adolescence
- presence of other diet-related diseases
How to lose weight he althily - advice from psychodietetics
Each of us dreams of a slim and shapely figure. However, not all methods of losing weight are good for our he alth. How to wisely and he althily lose weight? Listen to our expert - psychodietician and he alth coach Elżbieta Lange.