Obesity is in my genes. You have to go on a diet to lose weight. Stress reduces weight … These are one of the most common myths about weight loss that the psycho-dietician Elizabeth Lange describes in the book "Do not crash with diets". What other myths do people who dream of a slim figure believe in?
We like to take shortcuts. We keep making excuses in our lives because it allows us to avoid responsibility or make decisions. It is difficult for us to admit to ourselves that we are responsible for what we look like. That is why we cling to various myths and stereotypes. Remember, knowledge is not information. Before you start believing that you are fat because you have these genes, make sure you are. Below you will find some of the most popularmyths about weight lossthat I hear often in my office.
Myth 1: Obesity is in my genes
Our genes are responsible for the way we look only about 30%. These are only certain predispositions that do not determine whether or not we gain weight. 70% of it is determined by lifestyle and habits. So it is not genes, but we ourselves have an influence on our figure … Remember, however, that we take over not only genes from our parents, but also eating habits, eating style, and the way we deal with emotions and problems. There is an unconscious pattern in our consciousness that we often duplicate. If your mom wasn't eating well, not taking good care of herself, or cooking he althy regular meals, chances are you will do exactly the same. However, the good news is that the moment you realize it, you can change it immediately.
Myth 2: You have to go on a diet to lose weight
Diet throws the body off balance, i.e. state of homeostasis. When this happens, your body slows down your metabolism by an average of about 40% in order to survive. Diet - especially deficiency, restrictive - is life-threatening for him. It is an evolutionarily conditioned mechanism. In the past, food was not as readily available as it is today. That is why man has often oscillated between states of hunger and saturation. During the period of prosperity, the body accumulated fat during the difficult times of hunger. It is stored in the cellular memory. Therefore, diet means to your body the message: “Attention! Times are hard - you need to save! ”. And this is the answer to the question: “Why after certainduring the spectacular loss of kilos, the weight stops even though you still eat only lettuce leaves? ”. As soon as starvation is over, your body begins to demand the missing ingredients and thus you return to your starting weight, often with an extra pounds, because your wise body makes additional reserves for the future.
Myth 3: Stress loses weight
Stress causes your body to not digest food properly, and digestive disorders put a lot of stress on your body. Stress hormone - cortisol, which is produced almost continuously under stress, promotes the growth of body fat. Why? First, in as many as two-thirds of the population, the stressful situation causes an excessive appetite. This is because in times of severe stress, the body increases its energy demand, the brain needs carbohydrates, and it is a natural and biological situation. Second, when the brain recognizes that something is wrong, it triggers emergency mode - one of its manifestations is by redirecting the body's energy to the muscles and brain. And where to get it? The simplest solution is to take an "energy loan" from the intestines - as a result, digestive processes are inhibited, less blood is directed to the intestines, and they themselves produce less mucus. In addition, stress is often a factor in causing hunger. Lots of people are passionate about emotions. Sometimes their influence can inhibit the appetite, but when emotions subside, they make up for the deficiencies with double strength and, as a result, gain weight.
Myth 4: The slim are happier, the slim are successful
Psychologists often publish research findings proving that our appearance affects how we are treated. Yes, it does, but it only explains a small percentage of the variance. But we generalize it and that's when the problem begins. I know many slim, beautiful and unhappy women. The true sense of happiness does not depend on the number of kilograms, but on our approach to life, personality traits, talents, passion and self-realization.
Myth 5: Losing weight is expensive
Diet is a marketable topic that always sells well. The list of things on which you can earn is long: expensive, tailor-made slimming treatments, ready-made diets, supplements, slimming catering, books, visits to a dietitian, expensive products bought in world cuisines, super food, exotic spices and the like … However, to lose weight, it is enough to eat simple and he althy products. Groats, cereals, Polish fruit and vegetables, silage, pods … The list is really long. We often spend a lot more on unhe althy food and snacksmoney than we think.
Myth 6: Last meal at 6 p.m.
This is the most false belief among dieters. It all depends on what time we go to bed. The last meal should be eaten two or three hours before bedtime. So if you go to bed at 11 p.m., chances are you will look in the fridge around 9 p.m. In addition, there is a very long break between 6:00 p.m. and breakfast the next day. Such interruptions in the supply of nutrients, unfortunately, slow down the metabolism and result in weight gain.
Myth 7: If I lose weight, I'll start …
… exercise, eat he althier, fulfill my plans, allow myself to have a passion, find love, change my job, dress better, because everything is wrong anyway … And now? It doesn't make sense … Only when I lose weight will I start living! You fail to implement your plans, so you end up dead. You postpone yourself, your plans, your life for eternal later. This is how you deprive yourself of the right to happiness at your own request. You set yourself the conditions to be realized and life is running out! It goes on anyway!
This attitude is often the result of releasing yourself from responsibility for your decisions, choices, and the consequences associated with them. Until I lose weight - I don't have to do anything. This is comfortable for you, because if you lose weight, maybe the excuse will disappear along with the kilos and something you do not want to see now will reveal itself. Your loneliness, dissatisfaction with work, poor nutrition and all this misfortune that is not the result of being overweight.Remember, obesity and overweight are not problems, but symptoms.
1. Guarana extract 2. ID-alGTM3. Vitamins C, B2, B3, B64. Evaluation of the weight control effects with ID-algTM among 60 women with a BMI of 28 to 30. A double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial.5. Clinical study conducted among 52 women, percentage of satisfaction 6. Instrumental measurement of the abdomen - a clinical trial among 50 women 7. Clinical study conducted among 52 women, percentage of satisfaction 8. Clinical study conducted among 52 women, percentage of satisfaction.
About the authorElizabeth Lange, psycho-dieticianElżbieta Lange- psycho-dietician, he alth coach. It makes women aware that not only what and how they eat affects them overweight. In his latest book"Do not break with diets" (Wydawnictwo Zwierciadło)argues that women do not have to be perfect or live in the belief that they are worthless if they do not conform to the generally applicable canon Beautiful. It encourages greater objectivity in relation to oneself, a real outlook and buildingself-esteem not only based on what you look like.
Poradnikzdrowie.pl took the book under the media patronage. We recommend!