The office diet is a solution for everyone who leads a sedentary lifestyle. Due to the fact that you do not exceed 1200 kcal per day, you not only maintain your weight, but also you can lose weight without the yo-yo effect, even 2-3 kg in 5 days. What are the rules for the office diet? What does the office diet allow you to eat?

The office dietprovides the right amount of calories ( 1200 kcal ) to help you feel good.The menu of the office dietis composed in such a way that your body gets all the ingredients it needs. Specialists emphasize that this is one of the most sensible diets. It does not require any great sacrifices, but only scrupulous avoidance of all food traps.

Office diet: general rules

  • never skip any of the 3 main meals
  • remember about the first breakfast - eat it at home, you will avoid biting during the day
  • take a lunch to work, a small snack will save you from hunger
  • eat a salad or soup during lunchtime
  • eat your main meal at home after work
  • reach for fruit before going to bed or drink a glass of vegetable juice
  • don't forget to move outdoors, go to the fitness club or swimming pool at least 3 times a week
  • drink at least 2 liters of water every day, drink coffee and tea without sugar, also enjoy herbal teas: mint, nettle, lemon balm.

Office diet: prohibited products

Give up all unhe althy snacks: chips, sticks, crackers and sodas in favor of dietary, high-fiber foods.

Office diet: sample menu

  • breakfast: 2 slices of crispbread thinly greased with butter, 1 soft-boiled or hard-boiled egg, tomato
  • 2nd breakfast: banana
  • lunch: fish salad - 15 grams of tuna in oil drain, hard-boiled egg, tomato and onion, add spices, mix
  • dinner: meatballs with mushrooms - 10 grams of minced poultry mix with 10 grams of stewed mushrooms with 1 onion, parsley, spices, shape the meatballs, steam it, eat with a spoonful of rice
Also check:
  • Calorie calculator
  • Ideal Weight - Calculator
  • BMI calculator - formula for correct BMI
  • Valueenergy of the product. How to calculate the caloric value of a meal?
  • Glycemic index (IG) - table

Find out more

  • Calorie table: fish and seafood
  • Calorie table: meat and cold cuts
  • Calorie table: bread and cereal products
  • Calorie table: fruit
  • Calorie table: milk and milk products
  • Calorie table: vegetables
  • Calorie table: sweets
