When choosing a punching bag, pay attention to its size, weight, filling material and price. The quality of workmanship and finish are also important, which largely determine how long the equipment will serve you. Chain-mounted, standing and pear bags as well as empty and full bags are available.
When choosing a punching bag, you should pay attention to a few important things. First of all - adjusting his height to his height and level of training. Read the guide below to find out what to consider when buying a punching bag.
Types of punching bags
There are several types of punching bags on the market. The most popular and characteristic are those in the shape of a cylinder, suspended from the ceiling on chains or tapes. Other punching bags are designed for MMA training - the shape resembles a human figure and allows you to train punches and kicks as well as fight in the so-called "ground floor".
When buying, pay attention to whether it is possible to detach the chains on which the equipment is mounted (the one for MMA is also hung on straps, which are flexible enough not to pose a threat during training on the ground floor).
Another type are teardrop-shaped boxing pears and a reflex ball, mounted on both sides on elastic bands. This equipment improves reflexes and impact strength.
There are also punching bags on the base (standing). If you don't have room at home, your ceiling is too low or high, or you want to train outdoors, this equipment is perfect for you. The principle of operation is simple: the bag is placed on a very heavy weight (over 100 kg), which prevents the bag from tipping over.
Punching bag size
Depending on your height and what you want to train, you can choose the right size for your individual needs. For example, if you want to practice only punches and punches with your hands, choose a bag with a length of 70 to 90 cm (this height is also suitable for children), and if you want additional trench training, equipment with a height of 120 to 150 cm is the best. For training the so-called low kick (kicking with a foot or shin), equipment with a height of 180-200 cm will be optimal.
This will be useful to youPunching bag - empty or full?
In stores you will find two types of bags: filled and empty. Empty bags are easier to transport because they can be folded and therefore take up little space. Another advantage is the ability to adjust the weight. Instead of buying a new bag, it is enough to replace the filling material (e.g. replace sawdust with sand).
The bags are filled so that you don't have to add anything to them. In some cases, filling the bag may be problematic, because it involves the necessity to transport the material, pouring it over, pouring it in, and mixing it. A ready-made bag means less mess.
Punching bag weight
The weight of the bag depends on its height and the filling material. The higher it is, the more material we can put into it. At the beginning, it is worth training with equipment with a lower load (25-30 kg), because the heavier it is, the easier it is for injuries and bruises. Depending on the degree of training, weight should be increased. Pouches exceeding 60-70 kg increase the force of blows, but they are intended for those who have a longer experience in boxing and MMA training.
Filling the punching bag
Punching bags can be filled with various materials, depending on the weight you want to gain. If you want to hit soft and lighter equipment, sprinkle sawdust or scraps of materials into it. You will increase the weight by adding dirt or sand. Remember that sand grains are heavier and finer than sawdust and material scraps, which may cause them to fall to the bottom. To prevent this, the following solution is used: sand is poured into airtight bags and placed between the sawdust, thanks to which the bag will be the same hard everywhere.
Punching bag and room height
Before buying a punching bag, carefully measure the height of the room in which you want to hang it. If the room is low, you can shorten the straps or the chains, but they must not be too short so as not to deform the bag at the top.
An important rule is that the equipment should hang approximately 20-40 cm above the ground. Remember that a large and heavy bag under the influence of gravity will lengthen by about 5-15 cm, so it is better to hang it a little higher.
Leather or plawil bag?
The type of material from which the punching bag is sewn affects its quality and price. The most durable is natural leather, which, unlike artificial materials, does not crumble or crack. Grain leather is more resistant to moisture and dirt.
Another material from which punching bags are sewn is plawil. Made of plavil, they are just as durable asthe price is much lower. This material is used for the production of car tarpaulins, military tents, etc.
When buying a bag, be sure to check the weight of the material. The optimal density is around 650 g / m2 - such a bag will be stronger and softer to the touch. Also pay attention to the shape of the fastener. The round handle, after prolonged use, can cut the strips on which the bag is held. A better solution are straps on a triangular fastening, on which the weight of the bag is evenly distributed.
Punching bag price
The prices of bags are very different, and it all depends on the material from which they are sewn, size and filling. The cheapest ones can cost around PLN 100-200. Empty bags, made of plawil, cost PLN 50-60 less than full bags. Leather bags are on average 3-4 times more expensive. The price of empty equipment is about PLN 500-600. Those made of split leather are cheaper (400-500) than grain leather (the latter is more durable). Price translates into quality, so if you plan to train intensively, it is worth investing in good equipment.