Saliva is one of the secretions of our body, the presence of which we do not pay attention to on a daily basis. It has extremely important protective and antibacterial functions ...…
Read MoreGastrology 2025, March
It is often said that a hernia is only a cosmetic defect. It's not true! No kidding with a hernia. Therefore, the operation is the best ...…
Read MoreA hernia never goes away by itself, sooner or later a hernia operation will be required. An untreated hernia can expose us to dangerous complications ...…
Read MoreFemoral hernia is a disease diagnosed mainly in women, especially those who have already given birth. So, if you experience chronic discomfort in the groin area, ...…
Read MoreHernia surgery is easy today. Convalescence after inguinal hernia surgery is fast. We get up a few hours after the descent, as soon as the mini ...…
Read MoreA hernia incarceration is a serious complication, which may even result in the patient's death. In most cases, hernia does not have to become trapped ...…
Read MoreThe pancreas primarily produces insulin, thanks to which glucose penetrates into the body's cells - the source of energy they need to live. It also produces enzymes such as ...…
Read MoreFructose intolerance, or fruit sugar, is one of the food intolerances. There are two forms of fructose intolerance: malabsorption syndrome ...…
Read MorePoisoned meat is one of the worst enemies of our digestive system. Poisoned meat is rarely normal food poisoning. Numerous bacteria find ...…
Read MoreOvereating - This often happens at a party full of delicious food. It's hard to avoid overeating on holidays. However, there are effective ways to improve your digestion ...…
Read MoreAppendicitis is manifested primarily by abdominal pain. It always requires the intervention of a doctor. The symptoms of appendicitis can be ...…
Read MoreTreatment of Helicobacter pylori infection is performed to completely remove H. pylori from the gastric mucosa. Only this way ...…
Read MoreFrightening data - sick people are hungry in hospitals. As a result of malnutrition, recovery is more difficult and takes much longer. Permanent malnutrition is a short ...…
Read MorePepsin is a digestive enzyme found in the stomach. The active form of pepsinogen secreted by the stomach is responsible for digestion, and in medicine its use ...…
Read MoreThe story behind Agata's diagnosis has little to do with happiness. Although now she is contagious with her joy, she has lived almost all her life with a disease that ...…
Read MoreProton pump inhibitors are drugs that are used to treat stomach ulcers or reflux and reduce the amount of acid that the stomach produces. Although and ...…
Read MoreA hernia is a condition in which an organ travels out of the cavity it is supposed to be in. It can affect the organs in the abdominal cavity, but also the esophagus ...…
Read MoreA stoma does not mean the end of life. A stoma is created when a part of the small intestine needs to be removed as a result of a disease, e.g. a cancer ...…
Read MoreEosinophilic esophagitis is a chronic disease of the esophagus that develops through an immune system. It belongs to the so-called eosinophilic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract ...…
Read MoreOpioid bowel syndrome is an intestinal disorder that is one of the side effects of opioids - painkillers, without which it is difficult to imagine ...…
Read MoreWhat are the causes of excessive gas? Gastroenterologist Robynne Chutkan, author of…
Read MoreHome remedies for habitual constipation should be used before going to a medical consultation. It may turn out that habitual constipation is the result of ...…
Read MoreInflammation of the large intestine is a large issue, which includes several different disease entities with different mechanisms of formation. Despite this difference ...…
Read MoreLazy gut syndrome is a disease of our time. A sedentary lifestyle, stress, poor diet, constant rush - all these disturb the intestines. As a result, they don't want ...…
Read MoreAngiodysplasia is a minor vascular malformation of the gut that often causes unexplained gastrointestinal bleeding and anemia.…
Read MoreComplications after removing hemorrhoids may appear immediately after the procedure, several weeks after the operation, and even after several years. The latter are the most dangerous ...…
Read MoreFood poisoning often occurs in hot weather. Diarrhea, abdominal pain, vomiting and nausea are characteristic symptoms of salmonella, staphylococcal or bacillus poisoning ...…
Read MoreStaphylococcal food poisoning is the result of eating foods into which staphylococcal bacteria have entered. Golden Staphylococcus is everywhere. These ubiquitous bakery ...…
Read MoreHalf of women and every fourth man struggle with obstruction. Why is constipation such a common problem? How to deal with it yourself? Usually you don't have to go ...…
Read MorePancreatic stones is a disease in which stones form in the pancreatic duct, responsible for the supply of pancreatic enzymes ...…
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