To fight pain, we usually take pills, and this, unfortunately, is not always an effective way to fight pain. It's worth trying other, alternative methods ...…
Read MoreAlternative medicine 2025, March
We read horoscopes, pour wax on St. Andrew's Day, go to the fairies - as many as 7 million Poles do. What are we looking for there? Does the fortune teller's consultations in important life matters ...…
Read MoreI have a child with diagnosed ADHD. Can alternative medicine help my child calm down? I've heard that magnetotherapy and acupuncture can help. ...…
Read MoreA year ago my cousin had problems with herniated discs. I tried to relieve her and massaged her spine and hip. I don't know why certain places, but my cousin may ...…
Read MoreFresh herbs improve the taste and aroma of dishes, stimulate the appetite with their appearance, and at the same time have a healing effect. Here are 12 herbs - tasty and easy to grow ...…
Read MoreMy parents have been dead for many years. I have a little daughter, whom I fear for, maybe because I lost other relatives, matters of our home and existence ...…
Read MoreOzone therapy (ozone treatment) has been used mainly in dentistry. Ozone has strong bactericidal, viral and fungicidal properties, which uses ...…
Read MoreEar candling is a procedure that - as its supporters argue - will allow not only to get rid of wax remaining in the ear, but also to cleanse the sinuses or ...…
Read MoreEnthusiasts emphasize that Tibetan medicine is effective and safe. Opponents of alternative medicine argue that it is only magic. And how is it ...…
Read MoreFlint is one of the stones that has accompanied man for thousands of years. In the stone age, it was flint that was used to make the first tools. Coming soon ...…
Read MoreCat's eye is one of the varieties of quartz. Due to its unique appearance, this stone has been treated as divine or sacred for millennia. In unconventional medicine ...…
Read MoreAventurine, also known as the Stone of Possibility, attracts money and luck to its owner, as well as adventures - the latter property is the source of ...…
Read MoreThe tiger's eye brings its owner we alth and success in business, because it attracts money like a magnet, which is why it is a good talisman for beginners ...…
Read MoreChrysocolla is a stone associated with the power of female energy. Although the female element is also present in men, chrysocolla is recommended primarily for women: n ...…
Read MoreSelenite is one of the gemstones whose power is closely related to the Greek goddess Selene, the patron saint of the moon and birth. According to people dealing with ez ...…
Read MoreFluorite, also known as the Stone of Genius, is one of the most popular stones on our planet. Its properties are not used so ...…
Read MoreWhen you have a headache or spine - shake your hands. During the massage, energy is released that stimulates the work of individual organs. Reflexology is therapy ...…
Read MoreMovement and rhythm can be a way to achieve harmony between body and mind. They make it easier to get to know yourself and communicate with other people. Dance therapy, or choreotherapy ...…
Read MoreThe Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS) is a measure that the World He alth Organization warned against a few years ago, but it can still be ...…
Read MoreA foot massage performed on a lying person will stimulate circulation and improve their well-being. Massage will bring great relief, even if it is performed by an unqualified person. ...…
Read MoreDetox or cleansing the body is becoming more and more fashionable. More and more is said about it, he writes, and SPA centers and wellness salons outdo each other in their proposals ...…
Read MoreWhat will the hair test tell us? Elemental hair analysis - it sounds complicated, but doing it won't really help you.…
Read MoreMeaning of colors - it would seem that this is not an important issue. Meanwhile, for example, choosing an outfit in a certain color is only seemingly random. In fact ...…
Read MoreHydrocolonotherapy, i.e. deep colon irrigation, for some people is a way not only to cleanse the body of toxins, but also to lose weight ...…
Read MoreBovine colostrum, or colostrum bovinum or young, is a substance that has numerous he alth properties - it lowers blood pressure, strengthens teeth and bones ...…
Read MoreAcupuncture developed in China 5,000 years ago. Time has verified its effectiveness and today, next to diet and herbal medicine, it is the most important method of treatment ...…
Read MoreZbyszko Patyk, specialist in alternative medicine, president of the Polish branch of the global federation of alte medicine, talks about lithotherapy - the method of treatment with stones ...…
Read MoreDaily sunlight is just as important as a portion of vitamins and minerals. Although the sun is harmful in excess, there is also a doctor ...…
Read MoreAfrican pelargonium is a plant whose healing properties were first known to the inhabitants of South Africa. In natural medicine, African pelargonium ...…
Read MoreHimalayan mumio shilajit is a substance with a mysterious name. Meanwhile, its healing properties have been known for over 5,000 years. Thanks to them mumio shilaji ...…
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