Rehabilitation after mastectomy is the only way to regain full physical fitness and mental balance. The aim of rehabilitation is to improve the condition ...…
Read MorePregnancy 2025, March
As part of the insurance, you can use three forms of outpatient rehabilitation: procedures at the clinic, procedures within the day ward and procedures that ...…
Read MoreAre you pregnant? Watch out for the sun, hormones make your skin especially sensitive to radiation now. Discoloration or spider veins may appear as ...…
Read MorePulmonary rehabilitation helps people suffering from chronic respiratory diseases. Who is recommended pulmonary rehabilitation, what give ...…
Read MoreThe Rehabilitation Center for People with MS in Bornem Sulimów is dedicated to people suffering from multiple sclerosis. This is the second facility of this type in Poland ...…
Read MoreIn Poland, cardiac rehabilitation follows specific patterns. For every event: heart attack, implantation, stents, by-passes or pacemakers ...…
Read MoreYou keep hearing: "Don't do that, you can't do that." No wonder you get lost in prohibitions, advice and warnings. Which of them really should you ...…
Read MoreYou don't need to prepare yourself for breastfeeding - wise mother nature will do almost everything for you. The appearance of the breast changes at the beginning of pregnancy ...…
Read MoreIn the last three months before birth, a child has the ability to learn and remember. Knowing your toddler's habits can be very ...…
Read MoreA properly balanced diet during pregnancy is the main factor that determines the proper development of the fetus and the future he alth of the baby. It is important that you are pregnant ...…
Read MoreAccording to the recommendations of the Polish Gynecological Goods, pregnant women should drink at least 3 liters of water a day. Only in this way will they eliminate ...…
Read MoreThe legs are one of those parts of the body that you need to pay close attention to during pregnancy - after all, they will carry your constantly growing belly. During pregnancy, women ...…
Read MoreDiscoloration is unevenly accumulated large amounts of melanin, a pigment produced by skin cells under the influence of ultraviolet rays. Melatonin ...…
Read MoreShantala massage is a baby massage, which comes from India. He came to Europe thanks to the book…
Read MorePregnancy and childbirth was such an extraordinary experience for Anna that she changed her profession and became a midwife. Today she is a mother of three daughters and teaches a student at Akade ...…
Read MoreSwimming while pregnant is a great idea. But is it possible to bathe in the sea, river or lake when pregnant? Are baths in natural reservoirs safe during pregnancy? Podpp ...…
Read MoreThe history of contraception is as long as the history of our civilization and may surprise you more than once. Amulets made of cat bones or rinsing the vagina with herbal decoctions t ...…
Read MoreWhen you come home chilled, you want to jump into a bathtub full of warm water. But now that you are pregnant, you are afraid that a hot bath may harm ...…
Read MoreHippocrates used to say that…
Read MoreThe flu during pregnancy is something that cannot be ignored. But you shouldn't be afraid of flu during pregnancy either. The flu in pregnancy is much more dangerous to a woman than g ...…
Read MorePhysiotherapeutic exercises for diabetics not only help to keep weight in check, but are also very important in the prevention and treatment of diabetic complications ...…
Read MoreExercises for people with Parkinson's disease are aimed at relieving the symptoms of degeneration of the nervous system. Daily exercises, whether with a physiotherapist or alone ...…
Read MoreScottish shower is one of the elements of hydrotherapy, i.e. treatment with water. You can also use this type of water showers in SPA salons, because ...…
Read MoreHernia in pregnancy occurs quite often. During pregnancy, the abdominal wall is overstretched, which promotes the formation of hernias, with ...…
Read MoreKegel electrostimulation is one of the most frequently used methods of dealing with many problems related to the small pelvis, including those with ...…
Read MoreIsometric massage is a physiotherapeutic procedure used in people who have suffered from partial atrophy or significant muscle weakness. Massage isometer ...…
Read MoreA relaxing bath or a quick shower - what's better in pregnancy? The opinions that women often quote on internet forums show that the most common concerns are ...…
Read MorePolańczyk he alth resort is located on the edge of the Bieszczady Mountains - one of the most beautiful regions of Poland. The Polańczyk he alth resort boasts extensive herbal complexes ...…
Read MoreIwonicz-Zdrój he alth resort is famous for its healing waters, which are used for bathing, drinking treatment, inhalation and the production of medicinal s alts. This is ...…
Read MoreThe Gołdap he alth resort is located on the outskirts of Poland, only 3 km from the border with the Kaliningrad District. However, it is still worth going there. The Gołdap he alth resort is famous ...…
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