Yeast is a source of B vitamins. What do they help? Yeast is a support in the fight against acne and weakened hair. More about yeast properties!…
Read MoreWhat do you eat 2025, March
Leek is a vegetable that has many properties. It supports the treatment of the respiratory tract and more. Leek is easy to grow, so you can grow it yourself in your garden.…
Read MoreCorn is, next to wheat and rice, the most popular cultivated plant in the world. One her…
Read MoreS alt is the most popular spice in the world. And although it is essential in the kitchen, in recent years more and more people have asked themselves: is s alt he althy? A ...…
Read MoreMargarine is associated with vegetable fat in almost everyone. Most often, margarine is made from vegetable oils such as sunflower oil, oleaginous oil ...…
Read MoreSugar is a sweet, crystalline substance that is obtained from sugar beet or sugar cane. What is its effect on he alth? Some people think that cuki ...…
Read MoreWhich oils are the he althiest? Unusual oils, e.g. from walnuts, hazelnuts, hemp, safflower or avocado, are expensive, but it is worth using them for reasons of ...…
Read MoreWater not only fills all cells of living organisms, but also surrounds them. Do you know that water has a similar volume - approx. 75 percent. - both on p ...…
Read MoreCoffee has a beneficial effect on he alth as it has numerous healing properties. Therefore, coffee beans are a raw material that is highly valued by the pharmaceutical industry and ...…
Read MoreStrawberries have numerous properties and nutritional values. The he alth impact of strawberries cannot be overestimated. It is recommended for rheumatics suffering from ...…
Read MoreDo you miss non-greenhouse greens? Grow parsley on the windowsill. Do not treat it only as a flavor addition to your dishes. Parsley stands for ...…
Read MoreDuring the day we can afford a few cups of tea. Tea when brewed briefly (up to 3 minutes) has the strongest stimulating effect, because in the first ...…
Read MorePeppers are a good source of nutritional value. Moreover, as one of the few vegetables, paprika retains its properties under the influence of stewing and baking. ...…
Read MoreLentils have many nutritional values, and hence - he alth properties. Lentils primarily contain a lot of protein, which can be an alternative ...…
Read MoreTomatoes are worth eating mainly because they contain lycopene. It is an organic chemical compound with an antioxidant effect. Eating tomatoes clearly ...…
Read MoreParsley root is a vegetable whose nutritional and healing properties are underestimated by many. Parsley root is best known as an ingredient of Italian ...…
Read MorePlum fruits have many valuable properties. They regulate digestion, protect against free radicals and even improve the mood. In terms of nutritional value, and ...…
Read MoreYou eat beans? If not, start. It is the most valuable food that the earth produces. About 400 species of beans are cultivated around the world. She is resistant ...…
Read MoreCherries have numerous properties and nutritional values, even though 80% of cherries are they consist of water. The vitamins, minerals and antioxidants they contain have positive ...…
Read MoreBananas are fruits that contain many minerals and numerous vitamins. Bananas are primarily a treasury of potassium, so they should be reached by people ...…
Read MoreHazelnuts, like other nuts, have numerous properties and nutritional values. However, against their background, they are distinguished by a large content of vitamin E, or ...…
Read MoreBallerina tea is a drink that is supposed to accelerate the moment of achieving weight loss through a laxative effect. All thanks to its ingredients, which ...…
Read MoreThe average Italian eats about 30 kg of pasta a year, and a Pole only 3 kg - usually as an addition to soup. It is definitely not enough! After all, well-served pasta is one ...…
Read MoreEggs were once considered very nutritious and he althy. Then, because of cholesterol, they lost their good reputation. But studies show that a he althy person, if he likes eggs ...…
Read MoreGluten is a mixture of proteins: glutenin and prolamines, found in wheat, rye, barley and oats. Check which products it can be found in.…
Read MoreThe he alth benefits of cocoa have already been appreciated by the Maya and the Aztecs. A drink made on the basis of cocoa seed powder was called by them the drink of the gods ...…
Read MoreOranges are an excellent source of vitamin C, beta-carotene and B vitamins. Oranges should be eaten with membranes separating the fruit particles - they are a good source ...…
Read MoreWe are at the tail end of Europe in terms of fish consumption; an average Pole eats only 7-8 kg of them annually. It is not enough! We should eat fish at least twice ...…
Read MoreRibbed celery is a treasury of vitamin C. It can be eaten as an addition to dishes and salads, and eaten as juice. It is low in calories and therefore promotes weight loss.…
Read MoreChromium is one of the micronutrients that is necessary for the proper functioning of the body. What increases and what reduces the absorption of chromium?…
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