Among dozens of diets, another way to lose weight has appeared. The 5: 2 diet was developed by medical journalist Dr. Mosley. A new method of losing excess weight has met ...…
Read MoreDiets 2025, March
Patients with diabetes, using a properly composed diet, can regulate the sugar level in as much as 90 percent. For them, a correct diet can be a medicine. Prec ...…
Read MoreI had 3 blood sugar tests in the last two months. The first fasting test 4 hours after getting out of bed was 114 mg / dL in three days, negl ...…
Read MoreWhat diet should a 17-year-old girl be on?…
Read MoreI am 15 years old, 163 tall and weigh 63 kg. But the problem is with my weight. If I don't eat sweets, I weigh 61 kg, and if I eat a small cookie or a piece of chocolate, n ...…
Read MoreI am 40 years old, I have not been able to cope with excess weight almost since childhood, it used to be fine with me, and now it is my big problem. Until the birth of the first ...…
Read MoreWhy do I get fat instead of losing weight by drinking red tea, eating regularly and lightly, and my last meal at 6 p.m., exercising vigorously every day and playing tennis? D ...…
Read MoreIn the 27th week of pregnancy, I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes. After a glucose load of 75 g, the fasting result was 88.3 mg, after 2 hours. - 179 mg. Then, on the ward, lay ...…
Read MoreDoes the consumption of lactose-free products - milk, cheese - make any sense (i.e. is it ultimately he althier) for people with pre-diabetes ...…
Read MoreMy question is about the number of meals per day. There is a fashion to eat 5 meals a day in small portions, which supposedly increases metabolism. There are also sources ...…
Read MoreWhy is drinking still water recommended when losing weight? Does sparkling water somehow harm this? I am asking because I drink sparkling water and some time ago I started s ...…
Read MoreWhat do you think about the use of whey protein in your diet? Is it about he althy eating and the possibility of losing a few pounds? Does Whey Protein Have Good ...…
Read MoreI have had a problem with recurrent vaginal mycoses for many years. I noticed that symptoms especially worsen after eating sweets. I also have acne, I think ...…
Read MoreI test ketones in my urine several times a day. I am 33 weeks pregnant and since 24 weeks I have been diagnosed with gestational diabetes, which I treat with diet (insulin recommended…
Read MoreI am 12 years old and I have very big thighs and thick legs, I try to exercise jogging and do some sports, but I get tired quickly and go home and eat sweets, I just ...…
Read MoreI am 25 years old, height 162, weight 56 kg. I would like to lose weight. Last year I weighed 49 kg, I drink little and maybe water stays in my body. Can I use additional ...…
Read MoreMy sister doesn't have a gallbladder - it has been removed. She has diarrhea constantly and cannot go far from home. What can he do to fix this problem?…
Read MoreAfter the colonoscopy, erosions with an abundant fibrin coating and an intensely hyperemic mucosa were found, in addition to the anal canal ...…
Read MoreSome time ago I started to lose weight, weighing 66-67 kg with a height of 176 cm. I'm a woman. I ate low calorie foods and exercised 6 times a week for ...…
Read MoreMy husband has very high cholesterol, namely the total cholesterol is 320 and the bad one is 831. What diet should he follow? He is 43 years old, weighs 110 kg and is 178 tall.…
Read MoreI used to weigh 75 kg, lost 51 kg, and now weigh 57.5 kg. I will add that I am 177 cm tall. I would like to gain a few more kg to weigh around 60 kg. I don't know ...…
Read MoreMy father has had type II diabetes for 25 years and he suspects I will too. He gave me a blood glucose meter and I measure my sugar level. In the morning on an empty stomach, I can have ...…
Read MoreI have been following the 500 kcal diet for over a week. I have often eaten less than these 500 calories. If I start eating normally again, i.e. 1000-1500 kcal a day, ...…
Read MoreI started looking after my grandfather who has diabetes and takes insulin twice a day for 7 units. What should I do next? How to look after him? How should it win ...…
Read MoreI'm 28 weeks pregnant. I was doing glucose on an empty stomach, my result is 85 mg / dl with laboratory norms 74-106, and after loading with glucose at 75 g, after 2 hours ...…
Read MoreI am less than 13 years old, I weigh 95 kg with a height of 175 cm. I would love to lose weight, but I don't know where to start. Could you tell me what to eat ...…
Read MoreI have been diagnosed with gestational diabetes. I gave up all simple sugars, I eliminate them from the diet - sugars in the upper limits are around 110. The diabetologist allowed me ...…
Read MoreMy 15-month-old son only bites the foods he chooses, and more specifically only what he gets (e.g. vegetable patties, corn crisps, ...…
Read MoreI am 12 years old, weigh 61.5 kg, am 161 cm tall and want to lose weight. Yes, I know my BMI is good, but I feel bad about my weight and my body. During the school year ...…
Read MoreI work as a carer for a Parkinson's patient. Due to the advanced stage of the disease, the gentleman is almost recumbent. Parkinson's causes constipation. Besides Parkinso ...…
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